Une alternative mieux pensée aux uuid.
ulid/spec: The canonical spec for ulid
Une alternative à PHPUnit pour les tests unitaires en PHP. En réalité, ce nouvel outil est construit par dessus PHPUnit mais il offre une API plus moderne et requiert très peu de configuration.
Pest | The elegant PHP testing framework
@Bellingen Hmmm...just like all the women in #March4Justice in 2020 were told by Morrison they should be grateful they weren't shot.
#Lib leaders love to point out how lucky we are they haven't had the chance to grind us down like that - YET. Wouldn't they just love to be in Florida or Texas?
Looking to contribute to some open source project?
mktoc is a CLI and library written in Rust that generates Table of Contents in Markdown files.
Repo: https://github.com/KevinGimbel/mktoc
Open issues: https://github.com/KevinGimbel/mktoc/issues
#oss #rust #rustlang #cli #bin #lib
parallax/jsPDF: Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
Une lib JS pour générer des PDF en ajoutant et positionnant manuellement chaque élément.
#javascript #lib #pdf — https://links.kalvn.net/shaare/6N4n7Q
@laimis Nah, Paul is a smart dude. That 'mean girl' streak Micah has is just so immature. Nasty teenage behaviour, and as we know that like attracts like, her friends are a mirror image of her. Her flirting with Kwame without giving a thought about either partner shows she's incredibly selfish. This girl might've aged to 27, but in her head she's still 14, and it shows. That's what I saw while watching her, and that's what Paul meant. He dodged a bullet there!
All I can say to Micah is that karma is a bitch! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@grantimatter Wait, so this poor tiny weird #college, that had no #athletic programs at all, was taken over by alt-trump in a bid to essentially ' #OwnTheLibs' because <petty childlike ignorance>, put in a handpicked anti-ed board, who discovered that these odd smartypants #lib kids didn't even have a #baseball team, so in their weird #worldview thought what was needed to fix it was a #goddamn #baseball team?
And they wonder why I need an occasional #edible?
#edible #goddamn #worldview #baseball #lib #ownthelibs #athletic #college
Also some poor decision making is happening. Which is expected but still… 🥴 #LoveIsBlind #LIB
Ok. I’m not going to spoil anything except to say that the guys need to stop singing & Jackelina is my most favorite so far. #LoveIsBlind #LIB
@laimis I watched the first episode and a half last night. Thoughts? I don’t think I like Micah. I wish they would show more of Jackieana (I think that’s her name?) because she seems fun. #LoveIsBlind #LIB
GitHub - drizzle-team/drizzle-orm: TypeScript ORM for SQL
Un query builder pour Node.js. L'outil se définit comme un ORM mais de ce que j'ai pu lire, ça ressemble beaucoup plus à un query builder. Une alternative à Knex.js en somme.
#orm #sql #javascript #nodejs #lib — https://links.kalvn.net/shaare/6yQghA
#orm #sql #javascript #nodejs #lib
I started writing a library for reading configuration files and logging. It is still in development, but I have already filled in the sketches on my git.
I think attention should be paid to the refinement of the regular expression. Although at first glance everything works. I haven't written the tests yet.
How To Scale Node.js Applications with Clustering | DigitalOcean
Créer très (très) facilement un cluster load balancé d'instances de votre application Node.js (d'abbord avec le module cluster puis avec pm2 qui simplifie les choses). Parfait pour la prod !
Les articles de Digital Ocean sont toujours aussi chouettes à lire.
#nodejs #cluster #lib #javascript — https://links.kalvn.net/shaare/Up0DDg
#nodejs #cluster #lib #javascript
Fair & balanced analysis of #Labor climate change policies by Katharine Murphy.
Personally very disappointed by Albanese govt conciliatory approach to climate change.
I recognise need for use of offsets in some circumstances, but believe they should be limited and regulated strictly. We have been shown how easily they can be manipulated to let big business cheat.
Strongly believe we should be working much harder to stop opening new gas & mining. 'Case by case ' leaves too much room for undue business & political influence & we have had a gutful of that type of corruption in all areas of the past decade of #Lib govt.
[2/3] Ohne Michael #Gugat (#Lokaldemokratie in Bielefeld / #LiB) hätte ich die Unterlagen nicht gefunden:
...was schade gewesen wäre - denn der Umfang der Analyse wird von den Medien nie in dieser Komplexität wiedergegeben. Da wird nur gemeckert.
Alleine die Kurve mit der Spitze zum Schulbeginn ist sehr hilfreich, wenn man seine Arbeitszeit halbwegs flexibel wählen kann.
An extensible text-to-diagrams library that works in both browser and node.js
Une libraire JS qui permet de dessiner des diagrammes avec du texte.
#diagramme #lib #javascript — https://links.kalvn.net/shaare/hUpxeA
Un design system très clean, très accessible, très bien documenté, et qui propose des WebComponents prêts à l'emploi ainsi qu'une intégration simplifiée avec les principaux gros frameworks front-end.
Nord Design System
Saying "video games cause violence" is nothing short of whataboutism.
Just address the main issues; stop claiming that a potentially-mental-health-improving hobby causes mass shootings.
#antifa #StopMAGA #FauxNews #dems #lib #liberal #democracy #democrats
#antifa #stopmaga #fauxnews #dems #lib #liberal #democracy #democrats