#Firefox (nightly) just got rounded bottom corners \o/
The border radius comes from the #gtk3 theme and can be overwritten by e.g. the #libadwaita FF theme.
a few updates on Muzika
- timed/synced/lyrics
- music videos support (this is huge!)
- more bug fixes and some improvements
YTM's API will sometimes return synced lyrics and sometimes not. Usually it's because you aren't logged in.
there's a few issues with MPEG-DASH so there's gonna be minor playback glitches sometimes, working on a fix.
If you find more issues, please report them either on github issues or in the replies.
https://github.com/vixalien/muzika #music #gtk #libadwaita #muzika
#muzika #libadwaita #gtk #music
Wow, Mission Center is shaping up really nice! 🙂️ https://gitlab.com/mission-center-devs/mission-center/ #gtk4 #libadwaita #gnome #systemmonitor #taskmanager #resources #memory #cpu #gpu #network #linux
#Linux #network #gpu #cpu #memory #resources #taskmanager #systemmonitor #GNOME #libadwaita #gtk4
Kinda happy at last, revamped my #Quarto website to kinda look like #GNOME #libadwaita .
#RStudio is the web development IDE of my choice now 😅.
#quarto #gnome #libadwaita #rstudio
GNOME 45 beta released 🤩
For testers / curious, there is an installer ready to be used with GNOME Boxes :gnome:
For app developers, the new runtime/sdk is already available on Flathub. :flatpak:
#GNOME #development #Linux #Flatpak #Flathub #GTK #libadwaita
#GNOME #development #Linux #Flatpak #flathub #GTK #libadwaita
In the evening we had the social event and enjoyed the rest of the day with food and drink 🍆 🍻
I even got the DJ to play #JethroTull and #kglw #kgatlw 🎸 🎶
On sunday the devroom was opened a tad later around 12:00.
Before the lightning talks
@kuleszdl talked about his experiences in supervising student projects in the FOSS Mobile space. #gnome #libadwaita
Check out the slides here:
#jethrotull #kglw #kgatlw #gnome #libadwaita
GNOME intern Akshay Warrier made this to tease us mentors about the state of PRs reviews 😄
By the way, Akshay wrote a pretty cool blog post about their experience at GUADEC
There is a link to the video of their great project presentation too.
#Outreachy #GSoC #GUADEC #GUADEC2023 #GNOME #libadwaita
Working on some stuff with #GTK and #libadwaita in #python
Was wondering, how do I make a Gdk.Paintable (for use in Adw.Avatar) from an image URL? I assume i would have to download the image and cache it somewhere, that's easy. But how do I use that file to make a Gdk.Paintable? There are virtually no python docs on this, and the C ones are confusing.
There's still a lot of work to be done here, but It only took me a couple hours to get Portfolio to a "running" state...
Hello world!
We're a group dedicated to creating beautiful apps for your #mobilelinux devices. All our apps are built with #gtk4 and #libadwaita, and are #adaptive for both desktop and mobile #linux devices!
On this account we will post announcements for new releases and new features of our apps, which you can find over at https://gitlab.com/schmiddi-on-mobile and https://github.com/Schmiddiii.
This account is run by @julianfairfax, on behalf of Schmiddi and the Schmiddi on Mobile group.
#mobilelinux #gtk4 #libadwaita #adaptive #linux
@highkingofmelons @FOSSingularity there's also #app-dev:gnome.org (GNOME App Dev Hangout) and #libadwaita:gnome.org (libadwaita) which are matrix rooms I can recommend.
New Muzika Updates
- a lot of progress happened, I just didn't remember posting updates 😅
- explore, charts & moods pages are live
- view channels or user profiles
- new & reliable player
- new icon by @jimmac
- highlights the track that led you to a certain playlist
- remember last window size
- store authentication token in the secret store
- you can now delete tracks from a playlist
- edit playlist
- and more...
Those of you wondering about my app and #development updates, there will likely be no new release or anything before September (which is when #libadwaita 1.4 will be out as stable with all its shiny new widgets).
@alice Would it be possible if you used hashtags like #Libadwaita or #LibadwaitaUpdate?
I sadly often miss them, as they only appear on my already quite busy home timeline and not on the one for GNOME.
Wyszła Tuba 0.4.0, czyli nowa wersja najlepszego klienta fediwersum dla GNOME, a pewnie i ogólnie dla Linuksa.
Najważniejsze nowości:
- sprawdzanie pisowni
- potwierdzanie zamknięcia edytora
- edycja profilu
- wsparcie dla Pixelfeda
- zakładka „Odkrywaj”
- tworzenie wpisów z ankietami
- edycja alt tekstu
- odświeżanie osi czasu przez pociągnięcie w dół
- wybierałka niestandardowych emoji
- chowanie odkrytych spoilerów
- przypinanie wpisów do profilu
- lista skrótów klawiszowych + nowe skróty
- sporo poprawek w przeglądarce mediów i wyświetlaniu mediów na osi czasu
- usuwanie śledzących parametrów z odnośników
Pełna lista zmian i naprawionych błędów: https://github.com/GeopJr/Tuba/releases/tag/v0.4.0
#libadwaita #gnome #gtk #linux #Fediverse #Fediwersum #tuba
Should Bavarder and Imaginer be merged together in one app ?
Bavarder - https://bavarder.codeberg.page/ Text Generation and Conversational AI
Imaginer - https://imaginer.codeberg.page/ Image Generation
#GNOME #libadwaita #stablediffusion #chatgpt #AI #AIArt #Poll
#Poll #AIArt #AI #chatgpt #stablediffusion #libadwaita #GNOME
To boost visibility, if I were to do this, I would use this as an opportunity to learn about #gtk4 and #libadwaita, and of course use #rust (what else even is there) 🐸
@jason123santa @dino Uh, sounds like you're using an old version :)
Dino got ported to #gtk4 and #libadwaita in version 0.4. So yes, the screenshot above with great mobile support is from the official version.
#GNOME app idea: GUI for scrcpy, like scrcpy-gui but pretty and with #libadwaita
Hm am I the only one who feels like the new "Tab Overview" of #libadwaita is far from usable in #epiphany / #gnome web?
I know most of them are technical limitations and or more usable on different form-factors (like mobile). I'm also not against the concept in general. I just can't find a reason to ever use/enjoy it on the desktop/tablet.
1. Epi does have a "recent visited" 3x3 grid for new tabs that looks just about the same as the tab overview.