Felix Palmen 📯 · @zirias
38 followers · 169 posts · Server techhub.social

1. This doesn't affect the public of the kernel. Do you have any example of breakage here? 🤔 Don't get me wrong, I'm really not a fan of the chaos GNU/Linux actually is, but this is still hard to believe.
2. Possible. I don't know any example though ....

Regarding the "standard" , if we're talking about "GNU/Linux", this will always be . AFAIK, any userland ever shipped in ports used it. I plan to do the same trying to build this mess from source 😂

BTW, my "lxcross-glibc" package seems to work, and it seems I'm able to build some *almost* complete cross using it right now ... still need the --disable-libsanitizer configure flag 🤔

#abi #libc #glibc #linuxulator #freebsd #gcc

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1292 followers · 87467 posts · Server mstdn.social

@bitpirate @gamingonlinux and as much as I'd love to see every game getting updated, it's illusional that publishers and devs will invest the time to do so on one-time-purchase titles that are over 2 years old, don't sell any significant numbers or don't get any other revenue to pay for workarounding the shit that does.

Other 's like don't do that.

#libc #musl #flibc

Last updated 1 year ago

Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1284 followers · 86516 posts · Server mstdn.social

@lunaa @yura @torvalds I know...

There's a reason Distros like , and almost all systems using or want to get rid of if not replace it with something like , ,or another ...

Because glibc bricking stuff with minor updates kills any and any non- that can't be recompiled.

And what RMS et. al. may see as intentional, I think is the biggest issie that prevents from dominating |s!

#Desktop #Linux #FLOSS #ccss #libc #musl #uclinux #glibc #toybox #busybox #Embedded #ChimeraLinux #alpinelinux

Last updated 1 year ago

Alan Coopersmith · @alanc
457 followers · 430 posts · Server fosstodon.org

It's one of those weeks where debugging a single core dump on leads to making fixes in both & :


#oraclesolaris #gdm #libc

Last updated 1 year ago

argv minus one · @argv_minus_one
10 followers · 247 posts · Server mstdn.party

@dbanty binaries won't use any facilities unique to , most notably the Name Service Switch (NSS).

The deal with glibc is that you have to compile against the oldest version of glibc you're willing to support. Versions older than the one you compiled against are unlikely to work. That's fine if you're a distro maintainer or building for your own use, but can be a problem when distributing binaries.

Lucky for you, Rust makes it trivial to choose which you want to use.

#musl #glibc #libc

Last updated 1 year ago

Ivan, the Language Mangler 🦀 · @hywan
1232 followers · 1169 posts · Server fosstodon.org

[A] review of the C standard library in practice, nullprogram.com/blog/2023/02/1.

All the numerous dangers of the standard libc. The article reviews many surfaces of the API and explains why they are misused in most of the case.

#api #c #library #libc

Last updated 2 years ago

benzogaga33 · @benzogaga33
701 followers · 19824 posts · Server mamot.fr
cynicalsecurity :cm_2: · @cynicalsecurity
990 followers · 3757 posts · Server bsd.network

I was looking at the 'Blinkenlights' project by Justine Tunney which is "a virtual machine that runs statically-compiled x86-64-linux programs on different operating systems and hardware architectures" (might as well let Justine describe it!) motivated by research on APE ("Actually Portable Executable")¹ ².

After appreciating blink I looked at Justine's other repos, as one does, and… here's what I already bookmarked:

* "sectorlisp is a 512-byte implementation of LISP that's able to bootstrap John McCarthy's meta-circular evaluator on bare metal." - github.com/jart/sectorlisp

* "Cosmopolitan Libc makes C a build-once run-anywhere language, like Java, except it doesn't need an interpreter or virtual machine. Instead, it reconfigures stock GCC and Clang to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable." - github.com/jart/cosmopolitan (you should also look at the work by @Ange on the vast subject of polyglots)

* "Disaster lets you press C-c d to see the compiled assembly code for the C, C++ or Fortran file you're currently editing. It even jumps to and highlights the line of assembly corresponding to the line beneath your cursor." - github.com/jart/disaster ( @anticomputer this one is for you…)

No apologies for sending you down this Github hole :flan_molotov:​ as it is more fun to go spelunking with friends!

¹ justine.lol/ape.html
² github.com/jart/blink

#ActuallyPortableExecutable #lisp #libc #virtualmachine #polyglot #emacs #emacslisp #disassembler

Last updated 2 years ago

George Budd · @Gbudd
88 followers · 130 posts · Server qoto.org
Michael Connor Buchan · @TheFake_VIP
586 followers · 2100 posts · Server linuxrocks.online

It's very annoying that has fixed-width integer types in stdint.h, but doesn't provide functions for working with them, like for instance, strtoi32(). Heck, standard C doesn't even have strtoint() for regular ints!

the closest I've come is strtoi() which lets you specify bounds, so you could use E.G. INT32_MIN & INT32_MAX, but that's a nonstandard extension.

So you have to use a bunch of macro soup to fix this problem yourself and use strtoimax(), which defeats the entire point of the stdint types. 😤

#bsd #libc #c #iso

Last updated 2 years ago

GeekProjects News · @news
1 followers · 216 posts · Server geekprojects.com
IT News · @itnewsbot
1945 followers · 239399 posts · Server schleuss.online

Pretty Petite Picolibc Powers Processors - Many times when someone tells you that language X is “better” at something they re... - hackaday.com/2022/11/14/pretty

#libc #newlib #standardlibrary #microcontrollers #softwaredevelopment

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech News Worldwide · @TechNews
11511 followers · 98176 posts · Server aspiechattr.me
Sungbin Jo · @goranmoomin
50 followers · 32 posts · Server mas.to

One of my frustrations with is that it has a broken wcwidth (a function that gets the column width of a wide char).

It thinks each decomposed part of the character '국' (total 2 colums wide) is at least 1 column wide, hence thinking that the whole string needs 4 columns! (Left is the broken macOS, right is the correct Ubuntu.)

This wrecks the line editor, and if I complete a Korean file name, I lose my cursor and the terminal starts erasing wrong characters. So frustrating…

#shell #libc #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

Sungbin Jo · @goranmoomin
136 followers · 68 posts · Server mas.to

One of my frustrations with is that it has a broken wcwidth (a function that gets the column width of a wide char).

It thinks each decomposed part of the character '국' (total 2 colums wide) is at least 1 column wide, hence thinking that the whole string needs 4 columns! (Left is the broken macOS, right is the correct Ubuntu.)

This wrecks the line editor, and if I complete a Korean file name, I lose my cursor and the terminal starts erasing wrong characters. So frustrating…

#shell #libc #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

https://purl.org/rzr# · @rzr
259 followers · 1627 posts · Server mastodon.social

fosdem.org/2022/schedule/event 3rd presentation for today is starting soon at 15h35 CET:
++ on - using the example of
Experiences with switching from ++ to ++
bero in
devroom and then stay longer in room for Q&A

#libstdc #libc #llvm #Oniro #linux

Last updated 3 years ago

Boiling Steam · @boilingsteam
2991 followers · 7723 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Linux Standard Library Implementations: X32 can be 10% faster, but musl Libc 40% slower: youtube.com/watch?v=wq-a8juPFz

#linux #glibc #musl #libc #performance #comparison #standardlibrary #x32

Last updated 3 years ago