I wrote a #LIBER2023 report for my library's internal blog and re-blogged it on my website:
https://www.x-v-x.de/blog/?p=13990 – it's in German though, I am afraid. 😇
I'm on a train which seems to be a moment to catch up with the #LIBER2023 'data science in libraries' event https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-77zPvAMU28WJBhejXWSz6GuOp6q2iQS3QMqCB4UgbA/edit?usp=sharing
@v_i_o_l_a Can you confirm the item I saw on twitter [1] that MIT spend on Elsevier is 10% of its pre-cancellation level? Am looking for any documentation of this.
Were the #LIBER2023 keynotes recorded by any chance?
The slides of our littte talk about @vbib at #LIBER2023 last week are published now on #Zenodo ➡️ https://zenodo.org/record/8135801 - like many other slides of #LIBER-talks. Thanks again for the opportunity to present and for the interest in #vBIB. We, Stefan Bielesch, me and the whole #vBIB-Team are open to and curious about comments and questions. And for sure - be kindly invited to take part in the #vBIB23-CfP: https://www.vbib.net/callforparticipation 😎
#liber2023 #zenodo #liber #vbib #vbib23
Letzte Woche noch in Budapest auf der inspirierenden #LIBER2023 mit'm Beitrag zur @vbib unterwegs, heute nun in Frankfurt an der @DNB_Aktuelles. Ich freue mich auf das gleich beginnende Präsenztreffen der "AG AV Ressourcen" beim #DNB-Standardisierungsausschuss u.a. zur Weiterentwicklung der @gndnet in Sachen Film. Ich bin gespannt.
with the #excursion to #Esztergom today – visiting the Cathedral Library and the Castle Museum – #LIBER2023 has now definitely come to its end. thank you very much to the local colleagues for organizing a very nice day out and for looking after us so well! 🙏
#excursion #esztergom #liber2023
this afternoon I could visit the beautiful Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives as part of the #LIBER2023 library tours. 😍 https://konyvtar.elte.hu/en
@librerli @v_i_o_l_a @wdscholia @JensB Jupp - ganz bewusst im #LIBER2023-Beitrag zur @vbib eingebaut. Denn ihr macht in Sachen #Wikiversifizierung der #vBIB von Anbeginn der #vBIB20 einfach eine tolle Arbeit! 🙏 Faktisch sind es sogar zwei Slides mit Link zur Konferenz-Serie https://scholia.toolforge.org/event-series/Q108784175 und beispielhaft eine Autorengraph-Netzwerkvisualisierung. Spoiler vor Veröffentlichung des gesamten Foliensatzes:
#liber2023 #wikiversifizierung #vbib #vbib20
#LIBER2023 was great - very nice atmosphere, interesting talks, more inspiring conversations and spontaneous meets, delicious catering. Well done! 🤘🙏 But: for me - to less time for visting fantastic Budapest, just some little insights. I'm leaving now but I'll come back - as soon as possible. És Viszlát!
#LIBER2024 will take place in cyprus, at the Cyprus University of Technology in Limassol! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus_University_of_Technology the university's library: https://library.cut.ac.cy/en/library #LIBER2023 🇨🇾
and now it already time to "wind down" this wonderful #LIBER2023 conference. thank you very much for the welcoming atmosphere and the good organization, @LIBERconference & @LIBEReurope! 🙏
simon reports from the interesting work done in the OpenEdition Lab in the last years, e.g. about navigation in Gallica. https://lab.hypotheses.org/about look up his slides later for details! #LIBER2023
now for the last sponsor strategy update: "OpenEdition: understanding digital libraries as open spaces". #LIBER2023
the #LIBER2023 innovation awards go to "Opening up library collections for creative reuse", "Sharing Cultural Heritage Images as Data: Supporting Open Science through Interoperability", & "Teaching Data Stewardship: Insights from the Certification Course of the Univ. of Vienna".
rewarding good research practices will work better than sanctions. libraries can help here with "make it easy"! -- yeah, but e.g. publishing open access can't be made "stupidly easy", I am afraid ... #research #integrity #LIBER2023
#research #integrity #liber2023
what can libraries do to help? get your services more known among the researchers, look out for data champions, install data stewarts, lex bouter recommends. #research #integrity #LIBER2023
#research #integrity #liber2023
if you are interested in #research #integrity, the WCRI 2024 conference might be interesting: https://wcri2024.org/ & @WCRIFoundation #WCRI2024 #LIBER2023
#research #integrity #wcri2024 #liber2023
stages of implementing #research #integrity #policies: make it possible, easy, normative, rewarding, required! #LIBER2023
#research #integrity #policies #liber2023
SOPs4RI: A collection of easy-to-use Standard Operating Procedures and Guidelines that Research Performing and Funding Organisations can use to develop their own Research Integrity Promotion Plans: https://sops4ri.eu/ #research #integrity #LIBER2023
#research #integrity #liber2023