#WhitmanCollege, in #foodie/#wine-y, #scenic #WallaWalla #WallaWallaWA #WashingtonState, has a lot of #jobOpenings for #faculty and #staff. They could particularly use a new #assistantProfessor in both #physics and #astronomy. #CS, #statistics, and #Japanese also, plus a number of #visitingProfessor slots.
#teach #work #job #professor #Astro #AstroProf #PhysicsProf #CSProf #Stats
#LiberalArts #LiberalArtsCollege #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BlueMountains
#whitmancollege #foodie #scenic #wallawalla #wallawallawa #washingtonstate #jobopenings #faculty #staff #assistantprofessor #physics #astronomy #cs #statistics #Japanese #visitingprofessor #teach #work #job #professor #astro #astroprof #physicsprof #csprof #stats #applynow #liberalarts #liberalartscollege #pnw #pacificnorthwest #bluemountains
#Anthropology job University of Evansville. Excellent colleagues there in the archaeology department. Pretty sure anthro is still part of Social and Behavioral Sciences, but I know archaeology faculty always encouraged students to take anthro classes. #AcademicJob #Academia #Archaeology #LiberalArtsCollege
#anthropology #academicjob #academia #archaeology #liberalartscollege