#abschottungspolitik #asylpolitik #liberaldemocracy #Frontext #illegaleMigration #rassismustoetet https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/illegale-migration-abschottung-hinter-mauern-volker-m-heins-frank-wolff-rezension-1.6048071
#abschottungspolitik #asylpolitik #liberaldemocracy #Frontext #illegaleMigration #rassismustoetet
#LiberalDemocracy is meant to limit downside https://open.substack.com/pub/sharpenyouraxe/p/the-enemy-of-good?r=7jg08&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Israel's #LiberalDemocracy was relatively good while it lasted. This is the start of #AutocraticCapture and our path to #authoritarianism much like in Hungary. 😫
Coalition passes 1st judicial overhaul law, limiting review of government decisions | The Times of Israel
#liberaldemocracy #autocraticcapture #authoritarianism
Something you figure out if you spend alot of time learning about the history of non-US countries, even just giving a few Wikipedia pages a cursory read through, is that the Americans really are a bunch of constitution fuckers. All this bickering over whether something is “constitutional” or not as if that’s the be all end all… it’s nothing more or less than a legal document!! It can be changed! Like 100%, scrapped and start over! Like it doesn’t happen *all* the time but it *does* happen. Idk America is so fucking stupid 🙃 :chomsky:
#uspol #liberalism #capitalism #geopol #socialism #republic #liberaldemocracy #anarchism #libertarianism @politicalscience @histodons
#uspol #liberalism #capitalism #geopol #socialism #republic #liberaldemocracy #anarchism #libertarianism
"#CPAC and its representatives have become close to Hungarian president #VictorOrbán as he has asserted autocratic power in #Hungary. He has rejected the #liberaldemocracy that his country used to enjoy, saying its emphasis on #multiculturalism weakens national cultures while its insistence on human equality undermines traditional society by recognizing that women and #LGBTQ people have the same rights as straight white men. The age of liberal democracy is over, he says"
#cpac #victororban #hungary #liberaldemocracy #multiculturalism #lgbtq
Finnish government starts construction of Russian border fence, citing Putin’s exploitation of their irrational fear of people of color and an effort to prevent Russian men from fleeing Ukraine war draft https://www.barrons.com/news/finland-starts-construction-of-russian-border-fence-d4d80684 #NationStates #WhiteNationalism #FortressEurope #Orientalism #LiberalDemocracy #SocialDemocracy #Contradictions #Borders @immigration @geopolitics @geography
#nationstates #whitenationalism #fortresseurope #orientalism #liberaldemocracy #socialdemocracy #contradictions #borders
Welcoming Ukrainians, violently blocking Haitians—Biden is a de facto white nationalist https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/21/biden-trump-migration-policy-asylum-00083873?fbclid=IwAR2zc2pt44CcXTVfKuRhey96zAdudm-SmyCX9itafHjRlMHDl_vuIV9lJf8&mibextid=Zxz2cZ #immigration #borders #AsylumSeekers #imperialism #neocolonialism #StructuralViolence #Biden #Trump #bipartisanship #LiberalDemocracy
#immigration #borders #asylumseekers #imperialism #neocolonialism #structuralviolence #biden #trump #bipartisanship #liberaldemocracy
#FortressEurope uses #BorderMilitarization to kill 18 people fleeing #Afghanistan — a place its armies had previously invaded, places sole blame on truck driver for deaths https://www.dw.com/en/bulgaria-18-migrants-found-dead-in-truck/a-64748653 #borders #border #eu #bulgaria #turkey #imperialism #asylum #whiteness #WhiteNationalism #LiberalDemocracy @immigration #austria #netherlands #BorderExternalization #StructuralViolence
#fortresseurope #bordermilitarization #afghanistan #borders #border #eu #bulgaria #turkey #imperialism #asylum #whiteness #whitenationalism #liberaldemocracy #austria #netherlands #borderexternalization #structuralviolence
“EU leaders have agreed to toughen up border controls to keep out people trying to enter, with more funds pledged for cameras, drones and watchtowers at the bloc’s external borders.” https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/10/eu-leaders-plan-tougher-border-controls-as-more-people-claim-asylum #FortressEurope #surveillance #border #BorderSurveillance #WhiteNationalism @immigration #migration #europe #africa #liberalism #fascism #violence #eu #LiberalDemocracy #borders
#fortresseurope #surveillance #border #bordersurveillance #whitenationalism #migration #europe #africa #liberalism #fascism #violence #eu #liberaldemocracy #borders
Focussing on pushing back evil is what got us here. Putin’s “liberalism is dead” is self-fulfilling if we can’t stick to our cause and be kind, inclusive and international. It’s more important now than ever to live our beliefs #LiberalDemocracy #libdems #community
#liberaldemocracy #libdems #community
#LiberalDemocracy supports #Capitalism.
#Capitalists turn to #fascism to protect Capital.
There is no fascist #economy. Their economy & their society is capitalist.
#liberaldemocracy #capitalism #capitalists #fascism #economy
This is fantastic! Millennial voters are shattering the oldest rule in politics: they are no longer moving to the right as they age.
#democracy #liberalism #socialdemocracy #liberaldemocracy
There are a some people who feel they still can't leave #Twitter even with #Musk platform ing #nazis again. How did we get to have one platform become so important? How did we allow what should have been a force for good, openness and demos be turned into a fetid pond of right wing extremism? Twitter is now becoming a danger to society. It is the cloud based Beer Hall where the #racists and #fascists can launch their attack on #LiberalDemocracy. #NoPasaran
This place must be sanctuary.
#twitter #musk #nazis #racists #fascists #liberaldemocracy #nopasaran
For democratic societies to become enlightened the pace of education (E) must be higher than the rate of population growth (P). If E > P long enough for a majority of the population to be educated, then enlightenment is likely to prevail. If E < P, then that society is likely to ultimately reject enlightenment. It becomes impossible to endogenously, democratically reform the education system once it crosses a point of no return.
Also, I’ve been uncomfortable with the “public square” metaphor.
As much as anyone can say anything at public squares, it usually means the loudest, most strident, the populist & the violent prevail.
That is why ancient republics had sabhas & senates; where deliberation, negotiation and compromise was possible.
Public squares may be good for conversation. They are terrible for decision making.
#politics #philosophy #informationage #liberaldemocracy
Interesting piece from Rafael Behr reminding us that #liberaldemocracy is still far from safe and the age of populism is not yet at an end. We still need to stand guard.
The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare
What seems to have pushed the United States to the brink of losing its democracy today is a multiplication effect between its underlying flaws and recent shifts in the society’s “material” characteristics. These shifts include stagnating middle-class incomes, chronic economic insecurity, and rising inequality as the country’s economy – transformed by technological change and globalization – has transitioned from muscle power, heavy industry, and manufacturing as the main sources of its wealth to idea power, information technology, symbolic production and finance. As returns to labour have stagnated and returns to capital have soared, much of the U.S. population has fallen behind... Economic insecurity is widespread in broad swaths of the country’s interior, while growth is increasingly concentrated in a dozen or so metropolitan centres.
Two other material factors are key. The first is demographic: as immigration, aging, intermarriage and a decline in church-going have reduced the percentage of non-Hispanic white Christians in America, right-wing ideologues have inflamed fears that traditional U.S. culture is being erased and whites are being “replaced.” The second is pervasive elite selfishness: The wealthy and powerful in America are broadly unwilling to pay the taxes, invest in the public services, or create the avenues for vertical mobility that would lessen their country’s economic, educational, racial and geographic gaps. The more an under-resourced government can’t solve everyday problems, the more people give up on it, and the more they turn to their own resources and their narrow identity groups for safety.
Thomas Homer-Dixon, whom I strongly recommend reading, at the Globe and Mail.
Dixon's website with more publications: https://homerdixon.com/
HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29778363
#ThomasHomerDixon #Collapse #Fascism #UnitedStates #Politics #Trumpism #Risk #Institutions #LiberalDemocracy
#ThomasHomerDixon #collapse #fascism #unitedstates #politics #trumpism #risk #institutions #liberaldemocracy
Alliance for Global Justice IRS Forms 990
#neocolonialism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #AllianceforGlobalJustice, #AFGJ, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy, #bougeoisie, #liberalism, #progressivism, #controlledopposition, #counterrevolution, #counterinsurgency
this item includes IRS Forms 990 for the Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) is an organizing group that serves as a fiscal sponsor to numerous liberal-progressive initiatives.
#neocolonialism #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #AllianceforGlobalJustice #AFGJ #foundations #liberaldemocracy #bougeoisie #liberalism #progressivism #controlledopposition #counterrevolution #counterinsurgency
Directory of Ford Foundation Fellows, 1980-2020 by National Academy of Sciences
#FordFellows, #FordFoundationFellows, #FordFoundation, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #academia, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy
data obtained from here 6 july 2020.
"The Directory of Ford Fellows contains information on Ford Foundation Fellows who held awards administered by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine including postdoctoral fellowship recipients awarded since 1980 and predoctoral and dissertation fellowship recipients awarded since 1986. […]
Information contained in the directory is entered initially at the time of fellowship award and is subsequently updated by Ford Fellows. […]
This database does not include Ford Fellows whose fellowships were administered by an institution or agency other than the Fellowships Office of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine nor does it include deceased Ford Fellows."
#FordFellows #FordFoundationFellows #fordfoundation #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #academia #foundations #liberaldemocracy
Black Youth Project / BYP100 financial backers
Topics #BlackYouthProject, #BYP100, #neocolonialism, #unitedstatesofamerika, #nonprofitindustrialcomplex, #NPIC, #imperialism, #capitalism, #philanthropy, #staterepression, #501c3, #BlackLivesMatter, #foundations, #liberaldemocracy, #bougeoisie, #liberalism, #progressivism, #BlackYouthProject100NFP, #BYP100EducationFund, #WomenDonorsNetwork, #AstraeaFoundation, #AstraeaLesbianFoundationForJustice, #RudolfSteinerFoundation, #MacArthurFoundation, #MsFoundationforWomen, #ChicagoFoundationforWomen, #QuixoteFoundation, #BorealisPhilanthropy, #AmericanFederationofLaborandCongressofIndustrialOrganizations, #AFLCIO, #BenjaminFund, #controlledopposition, #counterrevolution, #counterinsurgency
#BlackYouthProject #BYP100 #neocolonialism #unitedstatesofamerika #nonprofitindustrialcomplex #npic #imperialism #capitalism #philanthropy #staterepression #501c3 #blacklivesmatter #foundations #liberaldemocracy #bougeoisie #liberalism #progressivism #BlackYouthProject100NFP #BYP100EducationFund #WomenDonorsNetwork #AstraeaFoundation #AstraeaLesbianFoundationForJustice #RudolfSteinerFoundation #MacArthurFoundation #MsFoundationforWomen #ChicagoFoundationforWomen #QuixoteFoundation #BorealisPhilanthropy #AmericanFederationofLaborandCongressofIndustrialOrganizations #aflcio #BenjaminFund #controlledopposition #counterrevolution #counterinsurgency