The Covert History of Democracy
"Reading accounts of social movements written by outright conservatives can often feel strangely refreshing. Particularly when one is used to dealing with liberals. Liberals tend to be touchy and unpredictable because they claim to share the ideas of radical movements—democracy, egalitarianism, freedom—but they’ve also managed to convince themselves that these ideals are ultimately unattainable. For that reason, they see anyone determined to bring about a world based on those principles as a kind of moral threat. I noticed this during the days of the Global Justice Movement. There was a kind of mocking defensiveness on the part of many in the 'liberal media' that was in its own way just as caustic as anything thrown at us by the right. As I read
their critiques of the movement, it became clear to me that many senior members of the media, having gone to college in the 1960s, thought of themselves as former campus revolutionaries, if only through generational association. Within their work was an argument they were having with themselves; they were convincing themselves that even though they were now working for the establishment, they hadn’t really sold out because their former revolutionary dreams were profoundly unrealistic, and actually, fighting for abortion rights or gay marriage is about as
radical as one can realistically be. If you are a radical, at least with conservatives you known where you stand: they are your enemies. If they wish to understand you, it is only to facilitate
your being violently suppressed. This leads to a certain clarity. It also means they often honestly do wish to understand you."
- David Graeber, "The Democracy Project"
#davidgraeber #anarchy #liberalhypocrisy
@MarkGerretsen More Liberal lies. PBO has stated the majority of Canadians pay more in Liberal Carbon Taxes than receive back in rebates (their own tax dollars???). #LiberalHypocrisy #TrudeauMustGo
#LiberalHypocrisy #TrudeauMustGo
Posted: Tue Sep 27 02:27:05 0000 2022
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#trudeaumustgo #liberalhypocrisy
Get outta our yard!
#MarthasVineyard #LiberalHypocrisy #bordercrisis
#bordercrisis #liberalhypocrisy #MarthasVineyard
Cleared for Takeoff! ✈️
#MarthasVineyard #BorderCrisis #LiberalHypocrisy
#liberalhypocrisy #bordercrisis #MarthasVineyard
In #Qatar esporre una bandiera #LGBT durante i #mondiali può comportare sanzioni dai 7 agli 11 anni di reclusione 🏳️🌈
Nessun problema, come Turchia e Arabia Saudita sono alleati strategici.
#Ipocrisia #IpocrisiaAtlantista #LiberalHypocrisy #LoveIsLove #Omofobia #StopOmofobia
#stopomofobia #omofobia #loveislove #liberalhypocrisy #IpocrisiaAtlantista #ipocrisia #mondiali #lgbt #qatar
In #Qatar esporre una bandiera #LGBT durante i #mondiali può comportare sanzioni dai 7 agli 11 anni di reclusione 🏳️🌈
Nessun problema, come Turchia e Arabia Saudita sono alleati strategici.
#Ipocrisia #IpocrisiaAtlantista #LiberalHypocrisy #LoveIsLove #Omofobia #StopOmofobia
#qatar #lgbt #mondiali #ipocrisia #IpocrisiaAtlantista #liberalhypocrisy #loveislove #omofobia #stopomofobia