@fulelo What’s next in new #FloriduhEducationStandards ? Here’s one possibility ⬇️, boost and comment with others!
#RisingSeaLevel displacing Floridians is NOT caused by #GlobalWarming and #ClimateChange , but by an increase in #LiberalTears. To stop coastal erosion and flooding, the #WokeVirus must be eradicated so male Liberals can ‘grow a pair’ and female Liberals can ‘suck it up’!
#floriduheducationstandards #risingsealevel #globalwarming #climatechange #liberaltears #wokevirus
#FoxNews headline for treating a member of Congress with disrespect. #LiberalTears
There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth at the drinking clubs this week:
#politics #Psaki #cry #covid #liberaltears #president #sad
BIDEN: "Communism is a failed system, universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute."
LMAO #liberaltears
BIDEN: "Communism is a failed system, universally failed system, and I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute."
LMAO #liberaltears
It Hasn't Stopped! #MarkDiceDailyFix #LiberalismFindaCure #LiberalTears #StopTheSteal https://youtu.be/PBavFBHh0jc
#MarkDiceDailyFix #LiberalismFindaCure #liberaltears #stopthesteal