In the case of this study, the alternative ecosystem that was born from an attempt to find spaces of expression not subject to regulation and censorship did not generate an information environment based on all the same information and positions.
#freespeech #opendiscussion #liberalvalues
“Human nature,” Haidt writes, “is not just intrinsically moral, it’s also intrinsically moralistic, critical, and judgmental.” A more practical and realistic political culture, Haidt believes, would accept and accommodate our natural moral differences, rather than seeking to eradicate them. Ultimately, Haidt argues, those differences should be objects of appreciation and curiosity, not anger.
#darkpluralism #freespeech #opendiscussion #liberalvalues
Is NAS a commonly blocked / muted instance? Or do authoritarians and leftists on the fediverse just not like discussion/debate?
I seem to never get buy in when I want to be challenged on my ideas.
#NAS #NoAgenda #debate #politics #left #liberal #liberalvalues #libertarian #libertarianvalues #libleft #libright #mastodon #fediverse #fedisphere #instances
#nas #noagenda #debate #politics #left #liberal #liberalvalues #libertarian #libertarianvalues #libleft #libright #mastodon #fediverse #Fedisphere #instances
That's every engagement with Mr maggots. Doesn't think about anyone's responses, changes the topic, redirects, brings up completely irrelevant things, then #liberalvalues .
Just call him a lib that exemplifies the problem in our society. One who has no capacity for empathy, is not interested in other perspectives, and simultaneously wants decentralized networks and a one world all encompassing government.
@makeheroism @wjmaggos I propose we build a time machine, giving us the ability to nail Ashley Babbit to a church door on Jan 5th.
Save #liberalvalues #thefuture
I believe in #LiberalValues at my core, which is that we can learn.
That is, humanity can do everything we want and more, if we are simply realistic instead of #antirealistic (unfortunately this includes Leftism/egalitariaism).
But yes, decay happens. We have to constantly fight it!
@teslanaut he's just a little bit open minded. And being openminded is no longer being "liberal" being liberal now means supporting a fascist state. #liberalvalues
Dunno. In the spirit of #LiberalValues, we might be able to turn this discussion into something fun now that everyone has vented.
@thatguyoverthere @adam @Kelly_NAproducR @threalist
I disagree. Censorship anywhere means it will spread, and cutting people out of the dialogue is anathema to both common sense and #LiberalValues.
@caekislove @wjmaggos @DrRyanSkelton
The Supreme Court was moving intelligent toward undoing 1865 and having a States Rights approach to drugs, marriage, and abortion.
There is not going to be national agreement on these issues. The ultimate statement of #LiberalValues would be having a "laboratory of democracy" in the states.
We all can agree that we hope someday @wjmaggos will take a second to reflect on how he's been the illiberal closed minded fool time and again when people offer him honest arguements and critiques to his intellectually dishonest hell threads. #liberalvalues
Also, get a happier hashtag bro.
#liberalvalues #flatmoontheory
#LiberalValues -- individualism leading toward pacifism, utilitarianism, pluralism, and diversity -- cannot survive the missing center: civilization and nature.
Without civilization being functional, no one can live a good life. Liberalism destroys civilizations.
The last option for coexistence, States Rights, was replaced with the monolithic federal power in 1865.
Liberals will discover that this was a mistake.
In this way, there is a mutality:
1. Acceptance requires limits
2. Limits require acceptance
Clarity is achieved with this middle path between the extremes.
I view this as #LiberalValues without the insanity of #Leftism.
Had an enticing conversation with the close minded Dr freemo, which gave me a comic strip idea for @CSB
The issue with democrats is that they live in cities that are full of 1 way streets.
1 way streets named;
Empathy, compassion, understanding, love, justice, respect.
Winston Churchill, a beloved genocidal maniac, hated Indians, he really did, and through his actions and policies allowed famines that resulted in the deaths of millions of Indians suffering under British occupation.
I wonder what this dead ghoul think of the UK having an Indian prime minister.
#thoughts #friday #thursday #saturday #uk #britain #india #famine #history #occupation #crimes #imperialism #liberalvalues #liberal #british #english
#thoughts #friday #thursday #saturday #uk #britain #india #famine #history #occupation #crimes #imperialism #liberalvalues #liberal #british #english
Ok. Following some tips from online peeps more knowledgeable than I. #introductions I am #gendernonconforming #polyamorous #Pagan #wiccan #dogperson #ownedbycat #kinky some of my hobbies include #crochet #reading #hiking #camping #roadtripping I am an avid fan of @stephenking (gods I hope that's the right one) I read #scifi and #fantasybooks and #HorrorBooks and anything else that strikes my fancy. I am a reformed libertarian and vote #liberalvalues I work in #SolarEnergy
#introductions #gendernonconforming #polyamorous #pagan #wiccan #dogperson #ownedbycat #kinky #crochet #reading #hiking #camping #roadtripping #scifi #fantasybooks #horrorbooks #liberalvalues #solarenergy
Nope, tried following a few links to Masto profiles and get a warning I'm entering the danger zone and if I am sure I want to contribute to the murder of some small fluffy creature by continuing. To be fair, that happened pre-Elon.
Just find it amusing (and I am very easily amused) and noticed in your past posts that fedi is your #liberalvalues jam.
I agree. @wjmaggos and I had a great conversation about the nature of #LiberalValues in this regard: better to talk it out than to let things fester in the dark.
People disagree. Some instances congregate disagreeable people -- keep in mind I'm blocked by -- but there are also others.
It makes more sense just to mute individual accounts since there are not going to be that many of them.
The same way we handle everything else around here.
Censorship is not the solution. Individual responsibility is.
And this is core #LiberalValues, if you think about it.
I don't know man, the media seems pretty hateful to pee-ons. The types of folks who have hyped dangerous ideas for years making money hand over foot the entire way down. Deliberately spreading lies two decades ago so we can go blow up some people half a world around.