5/5 And why do assimilationist queers even want mainstream cishet acceptance? The interesting cishet people already enjoy the company of queer people. The prize you win for becoming palatable to boring people is that you...get to hang out with boring people. Yay?

#socialmedia #youtube #twitter #jamessomerton #liberationnotassimilation #queerliberation #queerart #queerartists

Last updated 2 years ago

4/5 Assimilationists will never admit it but there is no way for them to distance themselves from us messy loud queers in the eyes of cishets. There's no amount of shit that Blair White can ever eat from cishet reactionaries that will ever be enough to earn their true acceptance.

#socialmedia #youtube #twitter #jamessomerton #liberationnotassimilation #queerliberation #queerart #queerartists

Last updated 2 years ago

3/5 Queer people should not have to look, sound, act, or live like cishet people for cishet people to acknowledge our right to exist in society alongside them as equals. James Somerton makes that point in "Why Bad Gays Are Good" better than I ever have.

#socialmedia #youtube #twitter #jamessomerton #liberationnotassimilation #queerliberation #queerart #queerartists

Last updated 2 years ago

2/5 James Somerton's video "Why Bad Gays Are Good" reminded me of Leslie Feinberg's speech "Beyond Pink and Blue". So if you liked this speech, then I think you'll like his video too.


#socialmedia #youtube #twitter #jamessomerton #lesliefeinberg #liberationnotassimilation #queerliberation #queerart #queerartists

Last updated 2 years ago

1/5 I've been begging until I'm blue in the face for assimilationists to stop pandering for the approval of people who already hate us so it's refreshing whenever I get to hear someone else say it, especially with eloquence and style (and while being white and cis).



#socialmedia #youtube #twitter #jamessomerton #liberationnotassimilation #queerliberation #queerart #queerartists

Last updated 2 years ago