The arts are the odd man out of today's power structure, ripe for defection. Libertarians should and likely will be the beneficiaries.
Read more at my #blog:
This post's featured image is "Allegory of Painting" by Domenico Corvi (1721-1803).
#art #thearts #politics #libertarian #libertarianism #libertarianmovement #aesthetics #beauty
#blog #art #thearts #politics #libertarian #libertarianism #libertarianmovement #aesthetics #beauty
Worth noting: I have suggested a strategy for the global struggle for freedom to not only gain from but lead this transformation. The melding of this great turn with sating the masses' yearning for a new and free world order could be explosively powerful.
#art #traditionalart #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton #art #thearts #politics #libertarian #libertarianism #libertarianmovement #aesthetics #beauty #futureofpolitics #artist
#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton #thearts #politics #libertarian #libertarianism #libertarianmovement #aesthetics #beauty #futureofpolitics #artist
Bryan Caplan makes the point in this interesting piece from a week or so ago that the libertarian movement has been hobbled in the past 20 years by being too reactive to each crisis that comes along instead of proactively seeking to create a new world:
Image is Emma Hamilton sketched by George Romney.
#thoughts #politics #libertarian #libertarianmovement #lockdown #coronavirus #crisis #art #traditionalart #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton
#thoughts #politics #libertarian #libertarianmovement #lockdown #coronavirus #crisis #art #TraditionalArt #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #LadyHamilton