@donaldball @superlinguo heh. We were talking about data management and archiving in a group meeting this week.
"Maybe we could get an expert in to help us?", I suggested.
"In the old days we had one in house", said one of the grey beards, "we called her the librarian".
@Beercanbear seriously, as a guy who does a shitload of research, I salute you #LibrariansFTW
das könnte was für meine bücher-wunschliste sein: "What You Are Looking For Is in the Library" von Michiko Aoyama: https://www.harpercollins.com/products/what-you-are-looking-for-is-in-the-library-michiko-aoyama?variant=41009475911714 #bibliothek #literatur #bibliothekarinnen #bibliothekare #librariansFTW
#bibliothek #literatur #bibliothekarinnen #Bibliothekare #librariansftw