프로젝트 문은 지방 정부의 세금을 지원받아 발전한 회사입니다. 우리, 시민이자 유저들은 허황된 고소 위협이 아닌, 회사의 합법적이고 적절한 조치를 바랍니다.
PM is a company that has developed with LOCAL TAX SUPPORT. We the CITIZEN and USERS, hope for legal and appropriate action by PM. NOT A SILLY THREAT TO SUE.
#projectmoon #프로젝트문
#Lobotomy_Corporation #LB #로보토미
#Library_of_Ruina #LOR #라오루
#WonderLab #원더랩 #Leviathan #리바이어던
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company #림버스컴퍼니
#프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
#projectmoon #프로젝트문 #lobotomy_corporation #lb #로보토미 #library_of_ruina #lor #라오루 #wonderlab #원더랩 #leviathan #리바이어던 #limbuscompany #limbus_company #림버스컴퍼니 #프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
프로젝트 문의 근로자 부당해고와 보호의무 위반 행위를 규탄합니다.
I CRITICIZE to the PM's UNFAIR DISMISSAL and DERELICTION on the duty of employment protection.
또한, 프로젝트 문이 작가님들과의 협업 과정에서 가하였던 착취 행위 역시 규탄합니다.
I ALSO CRITICIZE to the PM's EXPLOITATION when they collaborated with artists.
#projectmoon #프로젝트문
#Lobotomy_Corporation #LB #로보토미
#Library_of_Ruina #LOR #라오루
#WonderLab #원더랩 #Leviathan #리바이어던
#LimbusCompany #Limbus_Company #림버스컴퍼니
#프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
#projectmoon #프로젝트문 #lobotomy_corporation #lb #로보토미 #library_of_ruina #lor #라오루 #wonderlab #원더랩 #leviathan #리바이어던 #limbuscompany #limbus_company #림버스컴퍼니 #프로젝트문_부당해고 #일러스트레이터부당해고
RTVFX Sketch#55 theme was Fanart, so I made FX fanart for Library of Ruina, Consta Action.
#vfxfriday #realtimevfx #vfx #gameeffect #UnrealEngine #ue #VFXSketch #fx #라오루 #Library_of_Ruina #라이브러리오브루이나
#라이브러리오브루이나 #library_of_ruina #라오루 #fx #vfxsketch #ue #unrealengine #gameeffect #vfx #realtimevfx #vfxfriday
I've always wondered. Where does one go when they die?
Long ago, in some world. People believed that they'd become beautiful beings with small wings when they died.
Funeral of the Dead Butterflies.
#LobotomyCorporation #lobotomy_corporation #Library_of_Ruina #b3d #3D
#lobotomy_corporation #lobotomycorporation #library_of_ruina #b3d #3d
Mimicry a really nice looking E.G.O.
#LobotomyCorporation #lobotomy_corporation #Library_of_Ruina #Library_of_Ruina #b3d #3dart #3DCG
#lobotomycorporation #library_of_ruina #3dcg #lobotomy_corporation #b3d #3dart
My favorite abnormality in Lobotomy Corporation has always been my first Aleph ever and my beloved god who I just fought again and for the first time in many years inside the Library of Ruina, which made me want, wish, need to adore my one true god, because one day, we'll meet again as stars!
#lobotomycorporation #lobotomy_corporation #Library_of_Ruina #Library_of_Ruina #b3d #3dart #3dcg
#3dart #b3d #3dcg #lobotomycorporation #library_of_ruina #lobotomy_corporation