Have any other #libraryAssessment people made their way to Mastodon? I'm unable to get to our past ACRL data submissions and trying to figure out if I'm doing it wrong.
An #introduction from me...
Short version: I'm into:
Long version:
I work for a peak body for leaders of #AcademicLibraries, where I look after strategy and analytics. I'm a former #LIS academic, #SocialScientist, #OnlineLearning specialist and librarian, and I'm still kinda working out who I am now I'm not an academic anymore (but very much enjoying the ride). I'm a #QualitativeResearch type who is learning to love quantitative data. My professional interests are in the hashtag list up there ^^^
#introduction #openscience #openaccess #oer #opentexts #openeducation #academiclibraries #eblip #libraryassessment #libraryevaluation #pottery #lis #socialscientist #onlinelearning #qualitativeresearch