#librarycat Linus weiß: Die Sammlung Quodlibetica („Quodlibet“ lat. für „was beliebt“) enthält Drucke, die Herzog August d. J. nicht besser zu kategorisieren wusste.
Hier finden Sie kurze Meldungen aus der #HAB_WF, die in keine andere Rubrik passen wollen: http://hab.de/quodlibetica/
This #littlefreelibrary had a very noisy #librarian. I was always taught you should be quiet in a library. I guess it being #caturday she’s allowed.
#librarycat #tinylibrary #minibieb #Caturday #librarian #littlefreelibrary
#LibraryCat reminds me of the #Chemistry Department at the University of Sussex, which I am told has outlived the Vice-Chancellor that wanted it axed! 👉 http://www.sitnews.us/MacDougall/050906_macdougall.html
our school library is pretty dope!