"Library Futures is excited to announce that we are launching our policy paper on digital ownership for libraries."
#LibraryFutures Zoom book talk with @pluralistic ...authors of Chokepoint Capitalism and author of Data Cartels was excellent online event!
RT @library_futures@twitter.com
Happy Halloween! You probably already know that #libraries pay far more to license #ebooks than they do to buy print books. We’ll have some more news about that coming…. #libraryfutures #digitalrights #equitableaccess
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/library_futures/status/1454850331888730113
#equitableaccess #digitalrights #libraryfutures #ebooks #libraries
RT @library_futures@twitter.com
“The tl;dr on Controlled Digital Lending is that it is a way for libraries to lend digital copies of the books that they already own,” said Georgetown professor Amanda Levendowski." https://buff.ly/3j5wlFc #owntoloan #libraryfutures #digitalrights
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/library_futures/status/1450186430332952582
#digitalrights #libraryfutures #owntoloan
RT @library_futures@twitter.com
https://buff.ly/3v8cn05 "[A] single e-copy of The Diary of Anne Frank can cost a school district as much as $27 per student per year—with the lion’s share of the money going to billion-dollar publishing companies." Help #libraryfutures change the information economy!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/library_futures/status/1444591566249660421