👀 the Organizing Archivists: Archives and Libraries in the Labor Movement zine created for #saa23!
#ArchivalLabor #ArchivalWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions
#saa23 #archivallabor #archivalworkers #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions
Tomorrow (7/27) at 3:45pm U.S. Eastern time (at #saa23 + online):
Organizing Archivists: Archives and Libraries in the Labor Movement
#ArchivalLabor #ArchivalWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions
#saa23 #archivallabor #archivalworkers #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions
Digitization and Exploitation: Acknowledging and Addressing the Use of Exploitative Prison Labor by Libraries and Archives
#digitization #LibraryLabor #ArchivalLabor #PrisonLabor
#digitization #librarylabor #archivallabor #prisonlabor #incarceration
"Led by suffragist and public librarian Maud Malone, [the Library Employee's Union (LEU) of the New York Public Library] was the first of five American Federation of Labor affiliates to emerge at large east coast libraries. Though they disbanded by the end of the 1920s, the LEU instigated spirited debates about unionization across the field of American librarianship."
#NewYorkPublicLibrary #NYPL #LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers
🔗 https://www.nypl.org/blog/2023/06/06/struggle-stacks-researching-nypls-labor-history
#newyorkpubliclibrary #nypl #libraryunions #librarylabor #libraryWorkers
"The library is not treated as a priority, and this has taken its toll. A workplace once known for its people staying for full 40-year careers has suddenly become a place of rapid and constant turnover, as new recruits discover our working conditions and poor morale and soon make for the exits."
#DartmouthCollege #LibraryLabor #LibaryUnions #LibraryWorkers
🔗 https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2023/06/wolfe-dartmouth-library-staff-need-a-union
#dartmouthcollege #librarylabor #libaryunions #libraryWorkers
Sign a letter of support for the Dartmouth College Library Workers Union
#MedLibs #DartmouthCollege #LibraryLabor #LibaryUnions #LibraryWorkers
#medlibs #dartmouthcollege #librarylabor #libaryunions #libraryWorkers
When Librarianship Becomes a Dead End Job
#LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibrarySalaries #Salaries #LISPrecarity
🔗 https://acrlog.org/2023/05/23/when-librarianship-becomes-a-dead-end-job/
#libraryWorkers #librarylabor #librarysalaries #salaries #lisprecarity
The ALA-APA Salaries and Status of Library Workers committee will host "Doing the Work: Unions, Coalitions, and Front-line Library Workers" on 6/25 at #ALAAC23
#alaac23 #ala #alaapa #libraryWorkers #librarylabor #libraryunions
State of Labor: Midwestern Library Union
#LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #DSA
🔗 https://industrialworker.org/state-of-labor-midwestern-library-union/
#libraryunions #librarylabor #dsa
"For years, advocates have warned that many students do not have access to a library or a certified librarian on their campus. The nation’s largest school system, with 1,600 schools, has roughly 260 certified school librarians, education department officials said."
#SchoolLibraries #NewYorkCity #LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor
🔗 https://www.thecity.nyc/2023/5/5/23712879/nyc-schools-without-librarian
#schoollibraries #newyorkcity #libraryWorkers #librarylabor
Sign the Community Letter of Support to support Salt Lake City Public Library Workers as they seek to unionize
#LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #SaltLakeCityPublicLibrary #SLCPL #AFSCME
🔗 https://www.afscmeutah1004.org/support-salt-lake-city-public-library-workers-united
#libraryunions #librarylabor #saltlakecitypubliclibrary #slcpl #afscme
"Over the past year, group members have researched union creation and worked to get signed cards in support from at least 50% of [Dartmouth] library workers[.] [T]he efforts of library workers to unionize at MIT and Northwestern University in 2019 and 2021, respectively, contributed to their 'nerdy approach'—involving significant research—to the process of calling for a union."
#Dartmouth #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #LISUnions #LibraryLabor
🔗 https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2023/04/hampton-library-workers-announce-plans-to-unionize
#dartmouth #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #lisunions #librarylabor
they may as well choose a job that is less stressful and has perks like 100% WFH. Who could blame them? #libraries #WFH #RemoteWork #AcademicLibraries #LibraryWorkplaces #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers
#libraryWorkers #librarylabor #libraryworkplaces #academiclibraries #remotework #wfh #libraries
"'I don’t know how the college plans to maintain the library after the librarians are gone,' he said. 'When I asked the library's director, Samantha Hines, what the plan was for the library, she told me at the time they had no idea.'"
#LinnBentonCommunityCollege #Albany #LibraryLabor #ProtectLibraryWorkers #LibraryWorkers
🔗 https://lbcommuter.com/2023/03/20/lbcc-faculty-speak-out-against-college-budget-cut-targets/
#linnbentoncommunitycollege #albany #librarylabor #ProtectLibraryWorkers #libraryWorkers
^ The links to these labor-related sessions and posters at #ACRL2023 no longer work, but you can look them up by name at https://web.cvent.com/event/2c47cb63-a540-46a6-b561-c93f75c86d12/websitePage:0255683f-f371-48f4-9b60-516c3852ec3b
#LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions #VocationalAwe #PrisonLabor
#acrl2023 #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions #VocationalAwe #prisonlabor
Wow, if the "median salary for US federal and public Association of Research Libraries libraries" was $90,197 in 2021, that means there are A LOT of overpaid bosses.
#LibraryLabor #LibraryLabour #Libraries #OrganizeLibraries #salaries #HigherEd #LibraryWorkers #librarians
#librarylabor #librarylabour #libraries #organizelibraries #salaries #HigherEd #libraryworkers #librarians
The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Journal is seeking articles for an upcoming special edition that will highlight labour organizing efforts in the postsecondary libraries and archives, primarily in Canada (abstracts due 4/30)
#CallforPapers #LibraryLabor #LibraryLabour #LibraryWorkers #CAUT
🔗 https://journal.caut.ca/index.php/caut-journal/announcement/view/5
#callforpapers #librarylabor #librarylabour #libraryWorkers #caut
More details about 3-year UW Libraries Union contract including:
- ≥13.5% salary increase for librarians
- ≥14.25% salary increase for Professional Libraries and Press Employees
- 18–22% salary increase for lowest paid titles
- codification of anti-racism language
#LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #UWLibUnion #SEIU925 #SEIU
🔗 https://thetacomaledger.com/2023/02/20/uw-library-staff-win-union-contract/
#librarylabor #libraryWorkers #uwlibunion #seiu925 #seiu
"Passing Maryland’s H.B. 65 / S.B. 0352 bipartisan legislation would institute a process to allow for union organizing by public library employees in all Maryland counties that haven’t already formed a union, giving Maryland’s public library employees the ability to have a voice at work and better support their communities."
#LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryUnions #Maryland #HB65 #SB0352
#libraryWorkers #librarylabor #libraryunions #maryland #hb65 #sb0352
"The recruitment/hiring/retention life cycle for Black, Indigenous, and person of color (BIPOC) job candidates for academic and research libraries is fraught with bureaucracy and layers of communication that deter the very DEAI concepts that they aim to practice."
#DEAI #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LISPrecarity #LibraryJobs
🔗 https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/25789/33716
#deai #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #lisprecarity #libraryjobs