First day of work since COVID! Whoooo! #LibraryLife #librarian #TookLongEnough
#librarylife #librarian #tooklongenough
Teaching my first on-site class tonight for the fall semester- 30 students for Info Lit .
#LibraryLife #Library #InformationLiteracy
#librarylife #library #informationliteracy
Patron: I have two questions.
Me: I will probably have five answers.
I called it. Question about her computer had two answers, question about local radio had three. #LibraryLife #PublicLibrary
It took four years, but I’ve now found my faculty nemesis. I (and ILL and stacks and reserves and director of library administration and library dean) are steaming heated at an Econ (of course) prof. I can’t wait to tell you why. #LibraryLife
Getting everything I intended to accomplish today done just as the clock ticks over — AND I even took a full lunch break today. #LibraryLife #InterimMediumBoss
#librarylife #interimmediumboss
A thing that we are pretty sure is happening — our #ILL unit is getting requests for papers that don’t exist because the citations were generated by a #LLM. Anyone else? #LibraryLife
lol the #EZProxy SSO test run crashes and burned almost immediately. It read every patron as part of a single Shib user — so we hit the download limit in mere minutes and everyone got blocked. Revert revert revert.
I’m sure there’s a very simple thing that needs to be done about this, but I don’t know what it is off the top of me head, so please tell me if you know. I’m also teed at the OCLC tech for not bringing this up?? #LibraryLife #ElectronicResources #SystemsLibrarian
#ezproxy #librarylife #electronicresources #systemslibrarian
Ok, today I’m doing five jobs, I will review & comment on annual reports at two different stages of the process; schedule a department meeting (or two); finalize temporary measures to handle an interpersonal dispute; monitor the EZProxy SSO test run; probably several other things. #LibraryLife
Really glad I went with the Barbie theme- this is the most fun I've had preparing a general library workshop, and colleagues have gotten really excited about it. I didn't even know we have some of the more controversial dolls in our Special Collections, which is wild!
#LibraryLife #LibraryInstruction
#librarylife #libraryinstruction
OCLC & our IT office are still arguing, through me, over who fucked up & why we can’t get EZProzy to play nice with the campus SSO. And now the #OCLC tech is on vacation through 9/5, which is after the semester starts. I’ve called in the big guns (Steve, our former associate dean for library technology). #LibraryLife #LibrarySystems
#OCLC #librarylife #librarysystems
Things I cannot say: "Ma'am, this is a public library. If they're not cursing at you, and not screaming, there's not a lot we can do." #PublicLibrary #LibraryLife
You want me to do WHAT by WHEN?!?!?!?!?😳😳😳🤬🤬🤬
In other news...what the fuck is this??? Harvard is charging educators for course reserves now? And charging educators from OTHER INSTITUTIONS at that?? When it was being described to me I said it sounded like a scam, but this is Harvard business publishing's official website I think??? @academicchatter #LibraryLife
I just assigned a call number for this for our system #cataloging #librarylife
If you are reading Stephen King way younger than you probably "should," come talk to me. #LibraryLife
The teens who like the murder books found me again. That is my favorite category of teens. #LibraryLife
Just had to, against my better judgement, call UPD to remove a trespassed person from the library. He’s nonviolent, and apparently was trespassed for sleeping in the buildings because he’s homeless, but we were told if he showed up again we had to call. I hate this. #LibraryLife
Entwurf für Digitalstrategie-Fazit formuliert ✔️
Leko-Besprechung fertiggestellt ✔️
Begonnen, am KI-Basiswissen fürs Kollegium zu arbeiten ✔️
Diplomatische (ich hab's zumindest versucht) Antwortmail geschrieben ✔️
Ich würde mal sagen: Concierge-Zeit gut genutzt 😀 #librarylife
People who do #library #hiring, what weird, new, different, unusual, or inexplicable trends are you seeing? #LibraryLife
Today I learned that there are different LOC numbers for card games vs board games. #LibraryLife