Two years ago, Transition group Zero Carbon Guildford moved into a former New Look high street store and transformed it into a buzzing community climate hub.

Volunteers set up a library of things, community fridge, zero waste shop, baby clothes library, business network and a vertical farm growing salad crops.

They ran cinema, quiz and open mic nights, a food waste feast along the high street, and a climate conversation group.

They trained energy advisors and citizen scientists to test the local river’s water quality, and hosted dozens of groups from other communities who wanted to create a hub just like theirs.

In two years, they reckon their projects have saved a whooping 583 tonnes of CO2 emissions from their community.

It shows how people who are concerned can come together, and have a real, tangible impact and engage whole new audiences with some volunteer power and a meantime space. It’s why they won innovative UK climate project in the Climate Coalition’s annual awards this year.

Now their lease is up, and they want to take Zero Carbon Guildford to a new home and the next level. They’ve set up a crowdfunder, hoping to find out what they could achieve with great capacity and a more permanent space.

Find out more and their advice for anyone else setting up a similar community climate hub:

#climatehub #communityhub #guildford #libraryofthings #ZeroCarbon #babylibrary #CommunityFridge #zerowastecafe #terracycle #citizenscience #climatecoalition #CommunityAction #transitiontown #crowdfunder

Last updated 1 year ago

Having previously run a and been manager of the UK’s first high street I’m delighted to see finally backtrack against their years of lobbying against the and now back legislation for it!

…One of many things that went right last week (via @PositiveNewsUK): 🤗

#repaircafe #libraryofthings #apple #RightToRepair

Last updated 1 year ago

Palm Beach County DSA · @palmbeachdsa
45 followers · 87 posts · Server

Library of Things Co-Lab - Sept 2023

"[Shareables] of Things Co-Lab makes this culture-change movement accessible for every community of resilience. This Co-Lab operates as a resource-sharing hub that guides organizers through the process of incubating and strengthening of things as a social practice for communities"

#library #libraries #librarysocialism #libraryofthings

Last updated 1 year ago

Malkit Foxdale · @Malkit
117 followers · 546 posts · Server

@compost there is a concept of a "library of things", which is exactly what it sounds like. A place to check out books, tools, vehicles even.


Last updated 1 year ago

ahimsa · @ahimsa_pdx
889 followers · 8862 posts · Server
zepolson · @zepolson
55 followers · 150 posts · Server

Dejo por aquí la propuesta que he hecho para los presupuestos participativos de Castelló para este año:

Creación de una "Biblioteca de objetos y espacio de creación"

Vota y difunde por favor 🙏
Gracias!!! ✌️

#castello #castellon #libraryofthings #makerspace #consumocolaborativo #comunidad #economiacircular

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Southworth · @pws
360 followers · 434 posts · Server

@neil Here's the browsable display at the South Burlington Public Library in Vermont. It includes things like garden tools, activity kits, cookware, projectors, sewing equipment. Full list at the link below.


Last updated 2 years ago

neil 🍄 · @neil
1023 followers · 4011 posts · Server

We’re looking to set up a in our town.

Any thoughts / advice?


Last updated 2 years ago

includes judges and prosecutors, too. This should be obvious.

Judges and prosecutors play games with people's fates every day, based on some rules that the government wrote down. Some deliberate carefully, some don't; it doesn't matter. There's no incentive to treat the defendant as a deserving human being. Nothing can come of a case except either punishment or nothing at all, which is inherently a misanthropic system. Nobody needs or deserves that.

Judges and prosecutors can only live with themselves because they have a radically different mindset from us. They are so detached from the real-world effects of their own actions, so entitled to wielding absolute power over other people, that they summon unfathomable cruelty upon their defendants without batting an eye. In the of the , a years-long sentence for one person is simply a matter of paperwork for another. They do not know, nor want to know, the realities of the places they send other people to regularly.

This is part of why must encompass not only the , but also prisons and every level of the punitive legal system and . It must all be replaced with systems of that include eliminating the systemic causes of violence, reducing its harm, eliminating the ideology of law, and constructing ways to de-escalate and heal harm when it is caused. We also need voluntary community defense to respond to violent threats, again grounded in democratic community participation and transformative justice instead of law, punishment, and the state.

In practice, some ways we can implement this are by refusing to call the police when crimes are committed: ignoring them when possible, and offering non-punitive alternatives otherwise (eg. they could repair the broken item, people who are fighting could be away from each other for a day and talk about it the next day, you could offer to pay for a therapist), by creating social costs to being a , prosecutor, or judge in the forms of major annoyance and isolation (eg. cutting them out of our lives if we know any, egging cop cars and courthouses), by donating to bail funds, and by implementing a economy where basic needs are provided for collectively by the community for free: , , free education collectives, etc.

#acab #bureaucracy #pic #prison #abolition #police #prisonindustrialcomplex #transformativejustice #cop #mutualaid #CommunityGardening #libraryofthings

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bebatjof
133 followers · 623 posts · Server

I am a volunteer for an organisation that promotes a sustainable lifestyle, focussing on "how much is enough?". Enough clutter in your house, enough second hand stores, enough repair options, enough libraries of things...

We are making a playlist. Do y'all have suggestions for songs about sufficiency? 😅

#playlist #sufficiency #libraryofthings #repair #reducereuserecycle #secondhand

Last updated 2 years ago

Romilly · @romgregory
4 followers · 3 posts · Server

Testing out the router this morning at the Oxford


Last updated 2 years ago

Xeyo 🇵🇱 · @xeyo
60 followers · 439 posts · Server

Biblioteka miejska w ma teraz także ! ( )

Ta oferta, to przedmioty codziennego użytku, które każdy może pożyczyć na okres trzech tygodni. Zainteresowani znajdą tam na przykład: maszynę do borowania, Nintendo Switch i nawet mikroskop.

#bremen #libraryofthings #niemcy

Last updated 2 years ago

Jessika Richter · @jessika_richter
79 followers · 1 posts · Server

Migrated to the green side of mastodon so already time to reintroduce myself!

I'm a researcher and lecturer at Lund University in Sweden, but come via the US, Australia and and New Zealand, where I worked as a park ranger and teacher.

I'm interested in to address the and in particular, and

I spend my free time volunteering with a and a , swimming and hiking.

#CircularEconomy #policies #ClimateCrisis #repair #SustainableConsumption #repaircafe #libraryofthings

Last updated 2 years ago

From a whole Library of Things to a tiny plant and seed library, Tool Libraries to street corner book cupboards, it's amazing what communities can borrow and share.

How is your community reinventing the idea of the library - or how could you??

Be inspired by these great projects by Bath Share and Repair, Incredible Edible Garforth's Little Veg Library, Belfast Tool Library and the Little Bookhouse.

#libraryofthings #sharing #toollibrary #resilience #shareandrepair #incredibleedible

Last updated 2 years ago

· @kdnyhan
283 followers · 303 posts · Server

Calling folks! It's time in , and there's a submission about setting up programs in public to lend CO2 monitors.
Everyone should be able to measure and improve their , and libraries are great venues because they already support .
Please add a supportive comment to this proposal ASAP (deadline is unclear but maybe Thursday):

#COVIDisAirborne #citizenscience #libraryofthings #healthliteracy #indoorairquality #libraries #nyc #participatorybudgeting #newyork

Last updated 2 years ago

Franck | Dev · @franckweb
18 followers · 18 posts · Server
· @kdnyhan
283 followers · 303 posts · Server
Strypey · @strypey
1874 followers · 18258 posts · Server

"Already, 5,000 Londoners are on to it: borrowing anything from sound systems to sewing machines from a catalogue of around 50 items. They are the pioneers of the Library of Things (LoT) model, which helps people to save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out household items. They’ve collectively saved around 50 tonnes of waste from landfill since it all began."

#libraryofthings #lot #london #positivenews

Last updated 2 years ago

RevolutionaryOptimism · @TechnoAnarchist
46 followers · 148 posts · Server

Anyone know of any freelance ? It's simple! (or so I think...)
I want the app "offerup" copied and made into a "library of things"
Layout can all stay the same, I just need the wording and some coloring to change.

Ppl can lend things to each other instead of buying and selling.

If anyone is interested let's talk budget and all! ☺️

#appdevelopers #apps #libraryofthings #offerup #developer #mutualaid

Last updated 2 years ago

Reclus · @reclus
403 followers · 4213 posts · Server
Perhaps the @inventaire people themselves could be interested. Or at least the software could be used for a .

#inventaireio #libraryofthings

Last updated 3 years ago