Library of Things Co-Lab - Sept 2023
"[Shareables] #Library of Things Co-Lab makes this culture-change movement accessible for every community of resilience. This Co-Lab operates as a resource-sharing hub that guides organizers through the process of incubating and strengthening #libraries of things as a social practice for communities"
#library #libraries #librarysocialism #libraryofthings
Web Of Things
Hypertext document system, similar to html, which inclides a cryptographical chain of custod.
To be the digital twin of physical objects in a distributed library system.
#randomthoughts #librarysocialism
A 🧵on the ongoing #meansofproduction project - which is designed to enable #librarysocialism along with #federation of all types of libraries, especially #toollibraries, and even #Housing
You can find more info at, and the codebase is #opensource at
We have a discord at - but also moving lots of the discussion here to #mastodon!
#meansofproduction #librarysocialism #federation #toollibraries #housing #opensource #mastodon
I've migrated servers to!
This is open to all, but especially anyone interested in #librarysocialism as a means to improve the world, and bring about a #solarpunk future!
The global rise of fascism, climate desaster and the like are taking their toll.
It's hard not to fall for denial, fear and depression...
One of my trusted antidotes is the podcast run by
@srslywrong Conversations and comedy sketches on all things #utopia, #LibrarySocialism and the like - tackling the challenges we face in a constructive and fun way 🥳
(They seem to try to land on mastodon - let's show some love...)
@Radical_EgoCom I like the term #librarysocialism uses for this, an "irreducible minimum"
@dgfitch @pluralistic 🥥 I was today years old when I first heard the term #LibrarySocialism and I love it. 🥥
But what if our library system bought the highest-quality imaginable drills, designed to be repairable, and to gracefully decompose back into the material stream when they were finally used up? What if these drills were location-aware, and gathered usage telemetry to allow for continuous improvement? I'd love that world. There's even a name for it: #LibrarySocialism, coined by the @srslywrong podcast:
Crazy radical and, I should say incendiary #Leftwing #propaganda these days from the global elite. I mean, in this economy? Who’s gonna pay for it? Typical left. #humanrights #unitednations #onelove #housing #healthcare #food #unions #librarysocialism
#Leftwing #propaganda #humanrights #unitednations #onelove #housing #healthcare #food #unions #librarysocialism
@whknott I'm currently in Croatia due to some family ties, but almost certain long term destination is Spain.
Might wind up doing an interesting #librarysocialism / #solarpunk project in Croatia though, depending on how some land claims go
There's plenty of ideas around for ways to reinvent our lives, communities and societies.
Ultimately, it is up to each community to see what works for them and what doesn't. But we owe it to ourselves and to our descendants to find out and try.
#ecoSocialism #degrowth #LibrarySocialism #federatedCommunalism #anarchism #anarchism are just some of the alternative ways of organising ourselves for a better future.
There's many more, but they all start with you, reaching out to your neighbour.
#ecosocialism #degrowth #librarysocialism #federatedcommunalism #anarchism
Update on the lending library I started with my neighbours.
Some are borrowing painting rollers and window cleaners.
I'm feeding someone's kitty while they're away.
And another is offering free globes they bought too many of.
Very happy!
1. noticed that all the building inhabitants use the common whatsapp group to loan stuff.
2. made a list in google sheets of all the objects our family can loan.
3. shared it in the group.
i am now waiting to see if it will be useless or useful for them 🤔
so far nobody added an object...
#librarySocialism #objectLibrary
#librarysocialism #objectlibrary
I'm really excited to be getting a tool library started with some local comrades!
#libraries #librarysocialism #mutualaid
aaand @srslywrong just made a podcast public: #PlattformsOfFreedom - highly recommend it!
In part two they sketch an app for #librarysocialism and the institutions around it. Usufructian property relations made practical :)
The podcast doesn't go into tech details - but does an amazing job sketching possible paths towards this utopia and activating imagination...
#plattformsoffreedom #librarysocialism
please boost: i'm looking for guides, articles & app recommendations for object libraries - centralized and decentralized (say, eg, we want to make sure everyone in the neighborhood can lend stuff from one another without it becoming a huge mess) :boost_ok:🙏 #library #librarySocialism #anarchism #mutualAid #communityOrganizing
#library #librarysocialism #anarchism #mutualaid #communityorganizing
Love to see a thriving tool library #librarysocialism
Setting up a Lending Library for my local neighbourhood. I live in a small secluded apartment block that surrounds shared gardens. I suggested a lending library at the last social are they were excited.
I have the fridge magnets made, little letter, envelopes, and version 1 with a google doc of items like tools, pans, and boardgames, as well as some lending principles.
Inspired a few years ago by @srslywrong video
Fingers crossed! :)
Enjoying the ideas of library socialism and the ability to de-commodify objects throughout their journey with @srslywrong ’s episode: , really curious if EU funding could be received for this #librarysocialism #utopia