Just got a #Thriftbooks package in the mail with two books, one of which arrived with a dozen paper clips and a big claw clip embedded within its pages. And evidently #LibraryThing isn't letting me add either book into my collection. So that's two minor WTFs for my noon hour.
And LibraryThing is back online.
Explanations from Tim are on their website at: https://www.librarything.com/topic/353456
#librarything #bookstodon #books #reading #cataloging
#Librarything is still offline due to the DDoS attack. Their Facebook page says the attackers are demanding money to stop the attack.
Because book people are known to be flush with cash??
Because some book people somewhere read and cataloged books that are not in line with the ethos of the attackers??
Or because somebody bought into a bot network over the weekend and just randomly picked #Librarything because it's kinda popular and seemed like a soft target?
If it's the last of those, these DDoS attackers have clearly never had to confront a riled up librarian.
#Bookstodon #FreedomToRead #FreedomToCatalog #Books #Reading
#librarything #bookstodon #FreedomToRead #freedomtocatalog #books #reading
@aka_quant_noir Their Facebook page says (5 hours ago) that they've been under DDoS attack since Sunday, so took the whole site offline to give their developers a chance to work on defenses.
Is LibraryThing down? I can't connect.
Updated #LibraryThing for August. You can see the #books I've #read since I started tracking at https://www.librarything.com/catalog/marctic
Best of the month:
🏰 And Put Away Childish Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky
🛁 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
🌈 Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
🃏The Player of Games by Ian M. Banks
@damonyoung same here, I was in the middle of importing my data in #librarything
Hey, is anyone else having trouble with LibraryThing?
It looks like the server's down.
#libraries #library #archives #books #librarything
Should post this in librarything.com when it comes back up.
#librarything #library #books #bookworm #booklover #booklovers
#librarything #library #books #bookworm #booklover #booklovers
TIL that items can be given a shipping number before they are manufactured. ⚮⚮⚮Trying to figure out as per #LibraryThing how many Washington Monument/Empire State Bldg. my nominally stacked books would be. Or perhaps, by spatial volume, how much USS Macon by displacement. ⚮⚮⚮Metric submultiples would be in play, certainly. Centimasons, decimons, etc. ⚮⚮⚮
Oh dear.
I got it into my head to check a few of the entries in my library on #LibraryThing and fix a few errors.
There goes the weekend.
#bookstodon #Books #librarything
@cbdawson another vote for #LibraryThing I've had an account for ages, but started using it properly only recently.
As others mentioned it does barcode scans and you can import from Calibre and other tools. I use it to track what I own, and #StoryGraph for what I read.
Can You Fill This Blimp With Books? 209,580.3 m^3 displacement. #LibraryThing
Because this is the way my #ActuallyAutistic mind works (this exercise comes from #LibraryThing including the dimensions of books), I wonder how many Washington Monuments my cataloged books are. 168.046 m. 2032 books. Tab-delimited text: 1.5MB; JSON, 4.0MB. Good Year Blimp, volume of helium. Etc.
#actuallyautistic #librarything
Diving back into #LibraryThing after a long hiatus, I find that it just celebrated its 18th birthday!
I'm moving out from @thestorygraph I need something to find my next read, but it's just a book tracking app. My whole life is going to move from one app to another. Not to mention losing a few books in process of export/import. Probably my next stop is #librarything
Given the current brouhaha over #GoodReads, and that it seems generally a good idea to disconnect from #Amazon where convenient, what do people like as alternatives?
I have a #LibraryThing account, but it seems they haven’t really evolved much in the decade since I used them. Still has a very mid-2000s feel.
The #StoryGraph looks interesting.
Since I’m already on Mastodon as my primary social network, maybe #Bookwyrm?
#goodreads #amazon #librarything #StoryGraph #Bookwyrm
@victoriastrauss I avoid Goodreads because Amazon owns it, but I am definitely a fan of #LibraryThing. https://www.librarything.com
I love #LibraryThing - it's really an amazing tool.
On your phone, scan in barcodes of books you see at the bookshop to remind you to consider them later, for yourself or as gifts. (I have "collections"/lists in LT for both.) You can scan books at friends' houses, etc. in the same way.
When you're packing books away, you can scan them as you put them into a box, adding them to a "collection" with that box name. Much easier to find them when needed later.
You can export the collections as spreadsheets or in bibliographic reference format so this also works as a tool to get references into #Zotero simply by scanning barcodes.
Incredibly useful