👀 the Organizing Archivists: Archives and Libraries in the Labor Movement zine created for #saa23!
#ArchivalLabor #ArchivalWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions
#saa23 #archivallabor #archivalworkers #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions
Tomorrow (7/27) at 3:45pm U.S. Eastern time (at #saa23 + online):
Organizing Archivists: Archives and Libraries in the Labor Movement
#ArchivalLabor #ArchivalWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions
#saa23 #archivallabor #archivalworkers #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions
RSVP for a NYC Union Library Worker Picnic on August 13th in Central Park 🌳
#NYCUnionLibraryWorkers #UFT #PSC_CUNY #DC37 #Local1321 #Local1482 #Local1930 #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers
#nycunionlibraryworkers #uft #psc_cuny #dc37 #local1321 #local1482 #local1930 #libraryunions #libraryWorkers
"Librarians at Miami University have won their union and the power to bargain for better wages and working conditions protected by a legal contract, after a unanimous vote in favor of representation by the Faculty Alliance of Miami, part of the American Association of University Professors and the American Federation of Teachers."
#MiamiUniversity #LibraryUnions #Ohio #Libraries #LibraryWorkers #AcademicLibraries
🔗 https://www.aft.org/press-release/miami-university-librarians-win-union-join-faculty-alliance-miami
#miamiuniversity #libraryunions #ohio #libraries #libraryWorkers #academiclibraries
"Led by suffragist and public librarian Maud Malone, [the Library Employee's Union (LEU) of the New York Public Library] was the first of five American Federation of Labor affiliates to emerge at large east coast libraries. Though they disbanded by the end of the 1920s, the LEU instigated spirited debates about unionization across the field of American librarianship."
#NewYorkPublicLibrary #NYPL #LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers
🔗 https://www.nypl.org/blog/2023/06/06/struggle-stacks-researching-nypls-labor-history
#newyorkpubliclibrary #nypl #libraryunions #librarylabor #libraryWorkers
The ALA-APA Salaries and Status of Library Workers committee will host "Doing the Work: Unions, Coalitions, and Front-line Library Workers" on 6/25 at #ALAAC23
#alaac23 #ala #alaapa #libraryWorkers #librarylabor #libraryunions
State of Labor: Midwestern Library Union
#LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #DSA
🔗 https://industrialworker.org/state-of-labor-midwestern-library-union/
#libraryunions #librarylabor #dsa
"Because library management failed to adequately address these risks, union members stood in solidarity together and negotiated a contract that not only provides temporary transfers for endangered workers but also includes notification procedures to alert workers at various branches when a patron is banned."
#LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions #LibrarySafety #WorkersMemorialDay #CarnegieLibraryOfPittsburgh #UAW
🔗 https://www.alternet.org/union-members-workers-memorial-day/
#libraryWorkers #libraryunions #librarysafety #workersmemorialday #carnegielibraryofpittsburgh #uaw
Sign the Community Letter of Support to support Salt Lake City Public Library Workers as they seek to unionize
#LibraryUnions #LibraryLabor #SaltLakeCityPublicLibrary #SLCPL #AFSCME
🔗 https://www.afscmeutah1004.org/support-salt-lake-city-public-library-workers-united
#libraryunions #librarylabor #saltlakecitypubliclibrary #slcpl #afscme
"Over the past year, group members have researched union creation and worked to get signed cards in support from at least 50% of [Dartmouth] library workers[.] [T]he efforts of library workers to unionize at MIT and Northwestern University in 2019 and 2021, respectively, contributed to their 'nerdy approach'—involving significant research—to the process of calling for a union."
#Dartmouth #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #LISUnions #LibraryLabor
🔗 https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2023/04/hampton-library-workers-announce-plans-to-unionize
#dartmouth #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #lisunions #librarylabor
How louder librarians make more money
#UWLibrariesUnion #UniversityofWashington #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #SEIULocal925 #SEIU
#uwlibrariesunion #universityofwashington #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #seiulocal925 #seiu
"Scratch nearly any kind of story—political, social, economic, cultural, and so on—and you’ll find a labor story. […] Public libraries are no exception, and Republicans’ current headline-grabbing obsession with what goes on inside them is very much a labor issue."
#LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions #BookBans #ProtectLibraryWorkers #DanielBooneRegionalLibrary
🔗 https://www.fastcompany.com/90881286/book-bans-drag-story-hour-protests-librarians-safety
#libraryWorkers #libraryunions #BookBans #ProtectLibraryWorkers #danielbooneregionallibrary
"With the lack of competitive wages, vacancies [at New Haven Free Public Library] have become a larger issue, making it difficult to maintain current hours—let alone expanded hours—according to Robison. She said that the rise of the cost of living, along with the expense of the professional degree required to be a librarian, has made it difficult for some library staff to meet their basic necessities."
#publiclibraries #libraryunions #newhavenct
From Budget Cuts to Book Bans — The Decades-Long Assault on Public Libraries
#PublicLibraries #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #EmilyDrabinski #CitationsNeeded
#publiclibraries #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #emilydrabinski #citationsneeded
Excluded by state ruling, Miami University librarians launch own union efforts
#MiamiUniversity #LibraryUnions #Ohio #Libraries #LibraryWorkers #AcademicLibraries
#miamiuniversity #libraryunions #ohio #libraries #libraryWorkers #academiclibraries
"The [Ferndale Library] union campaign gave the library workers something concrete to ask their patrons and the broader community to do if they wanted to strengthen their library, too, a way to be part of defending the library from the kinds of hostile book challenges other libraries nearby […] had been bombarded with, where responding to challenges had become a full-time job for some library workers."
#FerndaleAreaDistrictLibrary #LibraryUnions #ProtectLibraryWorkers
🔗 https://newrepublic.com/article/170920/conservative-book-bans-libraries-fighting-back
#ferndaleareadistrictlibrary #libraryunions #ProtectLibraryWorkers
Tomorrow (3/23): the SAA Committee on Ethics and Professional Conduct will host a call on labor issues in archives with #ChrisTanguay, who will provide a brief overview of their work and involvement with issues such as accessibility, inclusive hiring practices, contingent labor (temporary, student, and interns), unionization, and general labor advocacy
#CritArch #ArchivalLabor #ArchivalWorkers #accessibility #LISPrecarity #LibraryUnions
🔗 Register at https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkc-qspz0oHtzqdEmPpoM_CiNk3kKAOj5l
#christanguay #critarch #archivallabor #archivalworkers #accessibility #lisprecarity #libraryunions
^ The links to these labor-related sessions and posters at #ACRL2023 no longer work, but you can look them up by name at https://web.cvent.com/event/2c47cb63-a540-46a6-b561-c93f75c86d12/websitePage:0255683f-f371-48f4-9b60-516c3852ec3b
#LibraryLabor #LibraryWorkers #LibraryUnions #VocationalAwe #PrisonLabor
#acrl2023 #librarylabor #libraryWorkers #libraryunions #VocationalAwe #prisonlabor
"Passing Maryland’s H.B. 65 / S.B. 0352 bipartisan legislation would institute a process to allow for union organizing by public library employees in all Maryland counties that haven’t already formed a union, giving Maryland’s public library employees the ability to have a voice at work and better support their communities."
#LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor #LibraryUnions #Maryland #HB65 #SB0352
#libraryWorkers #librarylabor #libraryunions #maryland #hb65 #sb0352
Labor-related session at #ARLISNA2023 (Mexico City):
4/19 - Art Library Workers United: On Unionizing Art Librarians (featuring panelists from #LEOUNion/#UMichigan, #AICWU/#SAIC, #PMAUnion, and #MICA)
#ARLISNA #ARLISNA23 #ArtLibraries #LibraryUnions #LibraryWorkers #LibraryLabor #AFSCME #CulturalWorkersUnited
#arlisna2023 #leounion #aicwu #pmaunion #mica #arlisna #arlisna23 #artlibraries #libraryunions #libraryWorkers #librarylabor #afscme #culturalworkersunited