We applied for a #fosdem info booth woth other #librehosters and #chatons , but it was not approved :blobcatgooglycry: . DM us here or email office (at) cloud68.co. It would be nice to meet 🤝
#fosdem #librehosters #chatons
Hey #librehosters, how are we dealing with energy costs getting crazy higher? ( º﹃º )
Thank you @yarmo for feauturing us in the list of #LibreHosters https://delightful.club/delightful-libre-hosters/ :ablobcatheart:
The OFFDEM will happen in person, in Brussels, on the first week-end of March (5 and 6), 2022.
The Call for Participation is extended to February 12! Read all the details, and some spoilers, at the link below.
#mirageos #dream #ocaml #ngi #librehosters #chatons
#mirageos #dream #ocaml #ngi #librehosters #chatons
ma friends...
docker vs kubernets is back!!! :D
Enjoy this stuff...
#decentralize #selfhost #librehosters :antifa: :anarchism:
"Mistborn is your own virtual private cloud platform and WebUI that manages self hosted services, and protects them with a firewall, Wireguard VPN w/ PiHole-DNSCrypt, and Coppercloud IP filtering. Supports 2FA, Nextcloud, Jitsi, Home Assistant, +"
supporting docker-compose, still to be deployable by ansbible:
#librehosters #selfhost #decentralize
📢 Cloud68.co joins the #librehosters network!
We are quite excited to be part of a bigger network of people who are heavily supporting the free software movement and decentralization. 😀 🤝👏
#libreho.st - the librehosters network
librehosters è una rete di cooperazione e solidarietà che usa il software libero per incoraggiare il decentramento attraverso piattaforme federate e distribuite.
#librehosters is a network of cooperation and solidarity that uses #freesoftware to encourage decentralisation through federation and distributed platforms. Our values connect transparency, fairness and #privacy with a culture of data portability and public contributions to the commons.
#libreho #librehosters #freesoftware #privacy
Zer da #librehosters?
Kooperazio eta elkartasun sare bat da, software librea, federazioa eta plataforma banatuak erabiltzen dituena. Gauzak modu garden eta egokian egitea dira beraien baloreak, baita pribatutasuna errespetatuz ere. #tresnak
potreste pensare di aggiungervi a #librehosters libreho.st
@filippodb @nilocram @peertube @maupao @Framasoft
@aprilorg you should add yourself to #librehosters https://libreho.st/ @maupao @nilocram
Today #XMPP's service operator meetup at #36c3 is a 5pm! We would like to orient the discussion towards creating a public list of servers and also encourage #librehosters to join!
[#BotActu] « « On veut que le boulanger du coin puisse facilement utiliser les services de Nubo » » https://framablog.org/2019/11/30/on-veut-que-le-boulanger-du-coin-puisse-facilement-utiliser-les-services-de-nubo/ #DégooglisonsInternet #Internetetsociété #LibresLogiciels #LibresServices #Contributopia #coopérateurs #Librehosters #abonnements #cooperative #Belgique #Coopcity #Services #CHATONS #biocoop #chatons #parts #NUBO
#BotActu #dégooglisonsinternet #internetetsociété #libreslogiciels #libresservices #contributopia #coopérateurs #librehosters #abonnements #cooperative #belgique #coopcity #services #chatons #biocoop #parts #nubo
« On veut que le boulanger du coin puisse facilement utiliser les services de Nubo »
https://framablog.org/2019/11/30/on-veut-que-le-boulanger-du-coin-puisse-facilement-utiliser-les-services-de-nubo/ #TootOuRien
Si vous lisez ces lignes, vous êtes en théorie déjà familier avec le collectif CHATONS initié en 2016. Aujourd’hui, direction la Belgique pour découvrir N
#abonnements #Belgique #biocoop #chatons #Coopcity #coopérateurs #cooperative #Librehosters #NUBO #parts #Services
#tootourien #abonnements #belgique #biocoop #chatons #coopcity #coopérateurs #cooperative #librehosters #nubo #parts #services
Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders talk about 'The Myth of Rugged #Individualism'
I find very interesting the part towards the end about individual/collective #technology. It makes me develop imaginaries about collective #mobile technology or think about collective/shared #servers (my mind goes to examples like #librehosters, #mastodon, #xmpp etc).
Amazing #podcast series focusing on science fiction and real-life science and society! #OOACpod
#individualism #technology #mobile #servers #librehosters #mastodon #xmpp #podcast #ooacpod
@hostsharing Yes, funding services (meaning funding both their development and their hosting) is... fundamental. And not everyone is in a position to reproduce our model.
That is why we think we need more experimenting and facing those problems as a collective (being @ChatonsOrg or #librehosters, or...). Framasoft is taking a step backwards so those collective can step forwards. That is what we aim for, at least ;).
(BTW an EN version of our blogpost is here: https://framablog.org/2019/09/26/lets-de-frama-tify-the-internet/ )
Et hop, Infini content d'être présent sur la page des #librehosters ttps://libreho.st/ :)
---Participer au financement de https://nubo.coop---
@nubo_coop est une #coopérative d’utilisateurs et d’utilisatrices qui propose des services en ligne éthiques et promeut un #internet #neutre, #libre, #décentralisé et #solidaire. Cette #éthique s’oppose à la collecte et la centralisation des données personnelles à des fins mercantiles ou de profilage.
@nubo_coop est connectée aux réseaux des #CHATONS et des #LibreHosters.
#coopérative #internet #neutre #libre #décentralisé #solidaire #éthique #chatons #librehosters
It would be kinda neat if you could check out https://libreho.st/ and possibly even join :)
The #librehosters gathering in Brussels was intense and very productive. I'm proud of our achievements this week-end.
Kudos to @ChatonsOrg and #IFF for inspiration.
#librehosters syndicate meeting, Brussels