@interstellar_wind You can buy #LibrePhone with changing batteries. But it's expensive. And people buy what's cheper by default. That's the "law". It's our behaviour in limited resource world forces to manufacture cheaper things, as more goods and services you get, the better your standard of living. This motivates to make food and gadges actually worse... But it's YOUR decision, your Human Action what deives markets.
So vote with your wallet, this is the actual voting that might work.
Seule vraie solution, un #oslibre type #gnulinux (ex: #trisquellinux ) et des #logicielslibres (UNIQUEMENT #libre) sur un pc équipé de #Libreboot
Et utiliser des #webservices respectueux de la #vieprivee (en plus des #gafam il y en a d'autres)
Et sur votre #webbrowser préféré (#firefox pour moi ou #abrowser sur #trisquel) j'ai ajouté #privacybadger et #ublockorigin
Reste à trouver un #librephone digne de ce nom.
#oslibre #gnulinux #trisquellinux #logicielslibres #libre #libreboot #webservices #vieprivee #gafam #webbrowser #firefox #abrowser #trisquel #privacybadger #ublockorigin #librephone
Elon Musk says he will create 'alternative' smartphone if Twitter is kicked out of the Apple App Store
Pleas do! Or even better, adopt #librephone!
@fll @switchingsocial@mastodon.at @brainblasted
#librePhone GrapheneOS is now on the en.Wikipedia list of open-source mobile phones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open-source_mobile_phones but [[GrapheneOS]] itself is still a red link. GrapheneOS seems to require buying a Google Pixel 2 or Pixel 3 phone, rooting it, and then installing GrapheneOS.