It is time for our next open-source-only gaming event! It will take place Saturday September 23rd, starting at 12:00UTC.
We have two newcomers this time, #HyperSomnia and #FTEQW with #LibreQuake.
We will also have a #SuperTuxKart tournament with a prize!
Finally, we will also play #bzflag and #lix, so that will be a lot of fun.
See also our news post at
#hypersomnia #fteqw #librequake #supertuxkart #bzflag #lix
back to working on #librequake
organizing the src's and attic gh, the main gh page, the texture wads, and the progs/
1 new names and organization for all the wads
2 reworking the way we organize our source files in the attic (only the progs and maps far)
3 going through all the models in lq1/progs/ and writing notes on the progress of all the models
well #librequake
is an open source project under the bsd3 license
it's meant to be its own thing asset wise, so people can use it for their own quake projects and even un related to quake games
also the quake Q is unique to quake and is likely trade marked by id software
gonna start posting #librequake stuff on here
heres our latest font!
based on a font I made for a project minecraft by @elisia