I don't typically write songs.
That's a coy way of saying I never write songs. Or never wrote them, maybe. But I have this one thing that won't leave me alone, so I'm giving it a stab.
I wrote poems when I was younger. I was decent enough. I had a good teacher in Michael Donaghy.
But this is not that.
It's for a chorus line of tap-dancing grim reapers in sequins and top hats. Skeletal jazz hands. The whole deal.
What the hell is happening?
PCMCIA Flash Card Gives Up Its Secrets Thanks to Retro Gear - There are two ways to recover data from an obsolete storage medium. One way is to ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/18/pcmcia-flash-card-gives-up-its-secrets-thanks-to-retro-gear/ #retrocomputing #retrocomputer #windows98 #libretto #toshiba #pcmcia #ftp #gis #gps
#gps #gis #ftp #pcmcia #toshiba #libretto #windows98 #retrocomputer #retrocomputing
Kopierte Liedtexte: Freie Fahrt für Google
Google zeigt Liedtexte, die von der Webseite genius.com kopiert wurden, ohne zu fragen. Kismet, sagen US-Gerichte.
#Bereicherung #Datenbanken #Genius #Google #Immaterialgüter #Immaterialgüterrecht #Kanada #Libretti #Libretto #Liedtexte #LyricFind #Lyrics #Recht #Songtexte #Suchmaschine #Traffic #USSupremeCourt #USA #Urheberrecht #Urteil #Vertragsbruch #Wettbewerb #suigenerisRechtfürDatenbanken (...)
#verpasstodon #bereicherung #datenbanken #genius #google #immaterialguter #immaterialguterrecht #kanada #libretti #libretto #liedtexte #lyricfind #lyrics #recht #songtexte #suchmaschine #traffic #ussupremecourt #usa #urheberrecht #urteil #vertragsbruch #wettbewerb #suigenerisrechtfurdatenbanken
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Vitamin D, Libretto & Ladybird Lex:
🎵 Celebrate Life
#VitaminD #Libretto #LadybirdLex
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #VitaminD #libretto #ladybirdlex
It's time for the next announcement 🚀
Custom Stream Operators Made Safe And Simple with Libretto by Tomas Mikula
Grab your ticket for #scalarconf
#scala #functionalprogramming #conference2023 #itconference #libretto
#scalarconf #scala #functionalprogramming #conference2023 #itconference #libretto
Mi próximo proyecto es restaurar y reparar un Toshiba Libretto 50CT que he comprado con avería. Los primeros modelos salieron en 1996 y eran en su época los ordenadores más pequeños con Windows. Se dejaron de vender en 1999 en EEUU y Europa. Mientras que en Japón siguieron hasta 2002. Pesaba 850 gramos y contaba con un Petium 75 Mhz, 16Mb de ram, pantalla de 6,1” y un HD de 772MB. #toshiba #libretto #toshibalibretto #window95 #windows98
#toshiba #libretto #toshibalibretto #window95 #windows98
Diese Fehlerkennungen sind zum Zerkugeln: gehäutete Frau Großhandel!
I think I reached peak #DOScember today.
#DOStodon running on my #Toshiba #Libretto !
#DOScember #dostodon #toshiba #libretto
A snippet from the #Protectress #libretto. Arethusa sings:
I’m making a cleansing paste:
fennel and clay from Thebes,
filings from an old coin of Athens,
an eyelash from Hélène Cixous,
tears from the enslaved women
of Troy.
Blood from each of you gorgons,
an olive,
and pumice.
#Protectress #libretto #newopera #meetopera #mythology #medusa #myth #classics
Today I’m working on the #libretto of Protectress, adapted from my novella of the same name, about #Medusa confronting rape culture in the 21st c. Composer Jessica Rudman and I can’t wait to bring this to the stage! (Get the novella at https://www.unsolicitedpress.com/store/p349/protectress.html?utm_source=pocket_saves) #NewOpera #MeetOpera #Opera #Medusa #Mythology #MeToo
#libretto #medusa #newopera #meetopera #opera #mythology #MeToo
Today I’m working on the #libretto of Protectress, adapted from my novella of the same name, about #Medusa confronting rape culture in the 21st c. Composer Jessica Rudman and I can’t wait to bring this to the stage! (Get the novella at https://www.unsolicitedpress.com/store/p349/protectress.html?utm_source=pocket_saves) #NewOpera #MeetOpera #Opera #Medusa #Mythology #MeToo
#libretto #medusa #newopera #meetopera #opera #mythology #MeToo
#hackintosh #intelinside #pentium #Toshiba #apple #libretto
25 Classical Music Emoji Quiz 1🎭💃 2🌱🌹🍂❄️ 3🤏🌃🎵 4🖼️🖼️🖼️ 5🐎 👩🦳 🐎 👩 🐎 👩🦱 6😄👌🇪🇺 7🩰🔥🦅 8☃️🧳 9🎭👰🏼🤵🏻♂️💇♀️ 10🎹🌕🎶 11🧑🏻🐺 12🥱☀️☕️ 13🧒 👦🏻 👧🏽 🎼 🎶 🎻 🐦️ 🎵 14🗼💃💃💃 15🎭👩🏻🏮👩❤️👨👴🏻💔⚰️ 16🎹👨🏼🫳👱♂️ 🫳👨🏼 17🇹🇷👣👣 18🙏👩🏻🍼🧔♀️ 19🎹🔁⏳ 20🎭👩🏻👘 21🩰🦢🦢 22🎭🧔🏻✒️ ❤️👩🌸🕯️⚰️ 23🎁👱🏼♀️ 24🎭🧔🏻🗡️👴🏻☠️ 🍽️🔥 25🎼🎵🧔♀️✝️ #EmojiQuiz #PubQuiz #Quiz #ClassicalMusic #KlassiekeMuziek #Muziek #Music #Composer #Opera #Symphony #Ballet #Piano #Conductor #Art #HistoryOfArt #Orchestra #Violin #Orkest #Aria #MusicHistory #Kunst #Geschiedenis #History #Libretto #Score #Dirigent #Componist
#EmojiQuiz #pubquiz #quiz #classicalmusic #klassiekemuziek #muziek #music #composer #opera #symphony #ballet #piano #conductor #art #historyofart #orchestra #violin #orkest #aria #musichistory #kunst #geschiedenis #history #libretto #score #dirigent #componist