I have #republican friends who call me respectfully their favorite #libtard. But, for the life of me I can't understand their #aversion to #vaccines, though #educated, their love of #guns though hatred of #war and loss, their championing of #freedoms as long as it does not impact their freedoms; ie, #masks, their despise of #taxes but it is ok to tax others just not them, their desire to live in the #past w prevalent #disease & short #life spans. I find them #confusing and #illogical?
#republican #libtard #aversion #vaccines #educated #guns #war #freedoms #masks #taxes #past #disease #life #confusing #illogical
In 1990, this was parody. In 2023 this is reality 🤣
#woke #wokeaf #environment #environmental #libtard #libtards #funnymemes #humor #staywoke #reality #funny #funnyvideos #funnybecauseitstrue
#woke #wokeaf #environment #environmental #libtard #libtards #funnymemes #humor #staywoke #reality #funny #funnyvideos #funnyBecauseItsTrue
#Cardiff based chareted surveyor who enjoys #walking (I’m the one on the streets every morning around Cyncoed & Roath Park), #rugby, #music, #food, #wine, #art and all things #Welsh.
Iincreasingly interested in #politics as world seem to have rushed to extremes whilst I have remained in the middle, which means I am described by many as a #woke #libtard #lefty #remainiac #marxist – others less complimentary!
Proud volunteer at #Scouts and currently chair #RICS Awards in Wales.
#rics #scouts #marxist #Remainiac #lefty #libtard #woke #politics #welsh #art #wine #food #music #rugby #walking #cardiff #introduction
✌️I left #NewportBeach #Cali & Moved Out of State BC of #MaskMandates 😷 #Lockdowns & Firing People for being #UnVaccinated
✌️HAPPY to Be GONE from the #LibTard Tyranny !
✌️#California is Only getting more & MORE dangerous!
✌️& insane!
✌️& expensive!
#California #libtard #Unvaccinated #lockdowns #MaskMandates #cali #newportbeach
🩸#LibTard #Commies are OFFENDED by EveryThing !!!!
🩸Except #Mutilated Children
🩸#Sterilizing Children
🩸#Sexualizing Children
🩸Exposing ThemSelves to Children
🩸#Killing & #Aborting Children
🩸#Masking Children
🩸Injecting Children with #ClotShots
🔥 Burning Down Cities… Where Children LIVE
🩸#HumanTrafficking Children with #OpenBorders
🩸Threatening to TAKE your Children with ABCs
🩸Well… LibTard Commies are pretty much OK with AnyThing that DESTROYS CHILDREN
🩸 bc they are DEMONCRATS
🩸Must be WHY they Just Hired #Podesta
🩸bc He’s Super Good At THAT
#podesta #openborders #humantrafficking #ClotShots #Masking #Aborting #killing #sexualizing #Sterilizing #Mutilated #commies #libtard
& another thing #Trudeau U & your stupid #LibTard #commies
🇺🇸 If U attempt to put OUR FAMILY MEMEBERS
🇨🇦 into your Concentration #Quarantine #climatechange “CAMPS”
🇺🇸We will Show Up with our Big American Guns
🇺🇸 & our Big American Attitudes
🇺🇸 & U will have a really Big F problem…
🇺🇸 so DONT attempt to Round Up Our Canadian Family Members…
🇺🇸 Unless U want a steady stream of #Idaho #Montana #Wyoming #Washington #Minnesota #Dakota 🇺🇸etc 🇺🇸etc 🇺🇸etc
🇺🇸VERY angry family memebers… invading… like a WALL of well armed #locus
🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
glad we talked
#locus #Dakota #minnesota #washington #wyoming #montana #Idaho #climatechange #quarantine #commies #libtard #trudeau
🩸He/She YELLS ALLLL Night Long
🩸He/She YELLS ALLLL Day Long
🩸What is He/She ? ? ?
🩸He/She is a Angry CRAZY #libtard
🩸Always! Always! SCREAMING
🩸just unhinged
🩸Stay far far far AWAY
🩸from the He/She Mentally unstable
PERMA-VICTIMS! Most pathetic financial headline ever! CNBC.com now claims that LGBT are getting hit by higher mortgage rates, somehow making LGBT "victims" even though they pay the same mortgage rates as everybody else. No banks charge HIGHER rates just because you're gay... this is the dumbest financial story every published, and it demonstrates how the #libtard media pretends LGBT are always the victims, no matter what...
#stupid #finance #LGBT
#LGBT #finance #Stupid #libtard
WAPO's #TaylorLorenz doxxes private individuals who criticize her insane #libtard #propaganda #doxxing
#doxxing #propaganda #libtard #TaylorLorenz
WAPO's #TaylorLorenz doxxes private individuals who criticize her insane #libtard #propaganda #doxxing
#doxxing #propaganda #libtard #TaylorLorenz
WAPO's #TaylorLorenz doxxes private individuals who criticize her insane #libtard #propaganda
#doxxing #propaganda #libtard #TaylorLorenz
Can't wait for the #libtard #Pentagon to roll out the first all-pregnant "woke" women's fighting brigade... somebody call a MEDIC!
Do I really have to point out that pregnant women do NOT belong in active war zones? It's a never-ending clown show with the woketards in charge...
Ruh roh... on top of everything else, there's a water shortage now impacting 7 western states... and this means cities like Los Angeles are rapidly becoming utterly unlivable. Combine the violent crime, rampant drug use, homelessness, financial collapse and water shortages, and you have a #libtard UTOPIA! It's the shining city on the hill for left-wing lunatics who only feel at home when everything is collapsing around them... https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-09-20-low-runoff-colorado-river-water-shortage.html
Most hilarious #libtard reaction to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Proof that Dems have lost their minds: https://twitter.com/MaybeAmes/status/1307181505572212736