Cleaning behind a dresser today and I found a major award! I'd been wondering where this got to.
Designing for Digital in 2019 was the last major professional conference I attended in person. Hoping to get there in 2024 and belatedly defend my title.
New issue of Weave: Journal of Library User Experience is out today! #LibUX #UXLibs #UXLib
Notable read: Robin Camille Davis, "Why You Should Think of Stressed Users as Your Default Audience ," LibTech Insights
h/t @mark
I joined 4 years ago apparently but never did an #introduction, so here we go!
I'm a UX librarian in Raleigh, NC. I do content strategy and user research. My great UX passion is making web forms that don't suck! Outside of work, I love to read novels that are filled with a sense of dread, watch gritty reboots of literally anything, play too much of Hades the video game, and hang out with my 7-month-old baby making pirate sounds.
#introduction #libux #uxlibs #ux #hades #arrrrrghh
Command Line for Beginners – How to Use the Terminal Like a Pro [Full Handbook]
This may help people who want to learn the command line and perhaps start hosting their own Mastodon instances
#FreeCodeCamp #Libux #'Console #Terminal #Course
#libux #course #freecodecamp #terminal