Labour group leader calls for more discussion over appointments to board of Lichfield District Council’s trading company
#Lichfield #News #Politics #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #LichfieldWestMidlandsTradedServicesLtd #SueWoodward
#lichfield #news #politics #lichfielddistrictcouncil #lichfieldwestmidlandstradedservicesltd #suewoodward
Lichfield MP welcomes funding to help install energy efficiency schemes at swimming pools
#Lichfield #News #Politics #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #MichaelFabricant #SwimmingPools
#lichfield #news #politics #lichfielddistrictcouncil #michaelfabricant #swimmingpools
Labour say first 100 days since the local elections show they can make “real changes” at Lichfield District Council
#Lichfield #News #Politics #ColinBall #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #SueWoodward
#lichfield #news #politics #colinball #lichfielddistrictcouncil #suewoodward
Cost of membership at Lichfield leisure centre to be reduced
#Lichfield #News #ActiveLichfieldDistrict #FriaryGrangeLeisureCentre #LichfieldDistrictCouncil
#lichfield #news #activelichfielddistrict #friarygrangeleisurecentre #lichfielddistrictcouncil
Council’s deputy leader calls for new Local Plan to ensure developers consider efforts to tackle climate change
#Lichfield #Environment #News #Politics #AlexFarrell #AndySmith #ClimateChange #housing #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #LocalPlan
#lichfield #environment #news #politics #alexfarrell #andysmith #climatechange #housing #lichfielddistrictcouncil #localplan
Lichfield residents’ group says council plans for new long-term strategy are “a waste of time”
#Lichfield #News #Politics #BeaconStreetAreaResidentsAssociation #DougPullen #featured #LichfieldDistrictCouncil
#lichfield #news #politics #beaconstreetarearesidentsassociation #dougpullen #featured #lichfielddistrictcouncil
Lichfield school told it can’t cut down tree despite concerns over student with nut allergy
#Lichfield #Education #Health #News #Planning #AnnHughes #DavidSalter #DianeEvans #LichfieldCathedralSchool #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #NutAllergy #TreeProtectionOrder
#lichfield #education #health #news #planning #annhughes #davidsalter #dianeevans #lichfieldcathedralschool #lichfielddistrictcouncil #nutallergy #treeprotectionorder
Call for more training to ensure councillors are aware of impact of decisions
#Lichfield #News #Politics #diversity #Equality #featured #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #SueWoodward
#lichfield #news #politics #diversity #equality #featured #lichfielddistrictcouncil #suewoodward
Council releases results of latest round of food hygiene ratings
#Lichfield #Business #Health #News #FoodHygiene #LichfieldDistrictCouncil
#lichfield #business #health #news #foodhygiene #lichfielddistrictcouncil
National award for Lichfield District Council officer
#Lichfield #Environment #News #KristieCharlesworth #LichfieldDistrictCouncil
#lichfield #environment #news #kristiecharlesworth #lichfielddistrictcouncil
Lichfield highlighted as good example of hour cathedral cities can integrate new developments
#Lichfield #News #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #MichaelFabricant #pedestrianisation
#lichfield #news #lichfielddistrictcouncil #michaelfabricant #pedestrianisation
Councillors warn potential opportunities created by demolition of Lichfield car park could be missed
#Lichfield #News #Politics #Transport #BirminghamRoadCarPark #BirminghamRoadSite #BlueBadge #CarParking #ColinBall #DaveRobertson #featured #Friarsgate #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #pedestrianisation
#lichfield #news #politics #transport #birminghamroadcarpark #birminghamroadsite #bluebadge #carparking #colinball #daverobertson #featured #friarsgate #lichfielddistrictcouncil #pedestrianisation
Company steps up to sponsor the Lichfield Proms in Beacon Park
#Lichfield #Business #News #DougPullen #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #LichfieldPromsInBeaconPark #ZestEducation
#lichfield #business #news #dougpullen #lichfielddistrictcouncil #lichfieldpromsinbeaconpark #zesteducation
Council chiefs searching for relatives as part of plan to name new Lichfield streets after fallen war heroes
#Lichfield #News #LichfieldCityCouncil #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #WorldWarOne #WorldWarTwo
#lichfield #news #lichfieldcitycouncil #lichfielddistrictcouncil #worldwarone #worldwartwo
Multi-storey car park set to be demolished as part of plans to kickstart Lichfield city centre redevelopment scheme
#Lichfield #News #Planning #Politics #BirminghamRoadCarPark #BirminghamRoadSite #cinema #featured #Friarsgate #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #planning #PlanningPermission
#lichfield #news #planning #politics #birminghamroadcarpark #birminghamroadsite #cinema #featured #friarsgate #lichfielddistrictcouncil #planningpermission
Potential rethink on city centre pedestrianisation plan welcomed by Lichfield MP
#Lichfield #News #Politics #Transport #featured #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #MichaelFabricant #pedestrianisation #SteveNorman
#lichfield #news #politics #transport #featured #lichfielddistrictcouncil #michaelfabricant #pedestrianisation #stevenorman
Councillor calls for more action to prevent cuts to sleepover service at Lichfield school
#Lichfield #Education #News #Politics #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #PaulRay #SaxonHillAcademy #StaffordshireCountyCouncil
#lichfield #education #news #politics #lichfielddistrictcouncil #paulray #saxonhillacademy #staffordshirecountycouncil
Striking sculpture raising awareness of knife crime is coming to Lichfield
#Lichfield #News #featured #KnifeAngel #KnifeCrime #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #RichardCox #StaffordshirePolice
#lichfield #news #featured #knifeangel #knifecrime #lichfielddistrictcouncil #richardcox #staffordshirepolice
Councillors say action is urgently needed to push ahead with Lichfield city centre redevelopment projects
#Lichfield #News #Politics #AnnHughes #BirminghamRoadSite #cinema #featured #LichfieldDistrictCouncil #RussBragger
#lichfield #news #politics #annhughes #birminghamroadsite #cinema #featured #lichfielddistrictcouncil #russbragger
We have more that unites us than divides us, Lichfield District Council leader tells members
#Lichfield #News #Politics #DougPullen #featured #LichfieldDistrictCouncil
#lichfield #news #politics #dougpullen #featured #lichfielddistrictcouncil