Funghi di un nuovo ramo dell'Albero della Vita. Scoperto nuovo ramo di evoluzione dei funghi. Mai visti sulla Terra: questi organismi misteriosi stanno ossessionando gli scienziati. Sono ufficialmente alcuni dei funghi più strani della Terra e sembrano non adattarsi al nostro attuale albero della vita.
#alberodellavita #AlberoFilogenetico #funghi #Geoglossaceae #lichinomiceti #Lichinomycetes #organismi #relazionievolutive #speciazione
#AlberodellaVita #alberofilogenetico #funghi #geoglossaceae #lichinomiceti #lichinomycetes #organismi #relazionievolutive #speciazione
"Genome-Level Analyses Resolve an Ancient Lineage of Symbiotic Ascomycetes": Current Biology.
Over 600 species of #fungi, currently placed across 7 different classes, might all belong together on the same evolutionary branch, called #Lichinomycetes
"Genome-Level Analyses Resolve an Ancient Lineage of Symbiotic Ascomycetes": Current Biology.
Over 600 species of #fungi, currently placed across 7 different classes, might all belong together on the same evolutionary branch, called #Lichinomycetes
Using #DNA-based dating techniques, the team found that this new class of #fungi, called #Lichinomycetes, descended from a single origin 300 million years ago, or 240 million years before the #extinction of #dinosaurs.
#Biology #sflorg
#dna #fungi #lichinomycetes #extinction #dinosaurs #biology #sflorg
"Using DNA-based dating techniques, scientists found that the new class of fungi, called Lichinomycetes, descended from a single origin 300 million yrs ago, or 240 million yrs before the extinction of dinosaurs.
Researcher, explains that these “oddball” fungi were previously sprinkled across 7 different classes — a high-level grouping that in animals would be equivalent to the groups called mammals or reptiles".
#fungi #DNA #Lichinomycetes #oddball
#fungi #DNA #lichinomycetes #oddball