La missione #LICIACube premiata come missione smallsat dell'anno dall'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
La fantasia stupenda dei ragazzi e la missione #liciacube #oar #astronomia
I had somehow not expected this variety of EPO.
#LICIACube on your smartphones: here is an image taken by its cameras showing Didymos (large asteroid), Dimorphos (small asteroid) and the plume caused by #DARTmission’s impact. Download it and use it as wallpaper for your phone!
In viaggio con #DART
Un piccolo video dedicato alla missione che un paio di settimane fa è andata contro un #asteroide per modificarne l'orbita intorno a un altro asteroide.
Nello spazio con DART c'era anche il piccolo satellite italiano #LiciaCUBE
#SpaceMission #DARTMission #NASA #asteroids #Didymos #Dimorphos #LICIACube
In a press conference, NASA confirmed the success of its DART mission after ascertaining that the orbit of asteroid Dimorphos was changed by the impact of the spacecraft. According to calculations, Dimorphos now orbits the asteroid Didymos in 11 hours and 23 minutes while before the impact, it took 11 hours and 55 minutes for each orbit.
Read the details at
#spacemission #dartmission #nasa #asteroids #didymos #Dimorphos #liciacube
"Data obtained by NASA’s DART investigation team shows the spacecraft's kinetic impact with its target asteroid, Dimorphos, successfully altered its orbit. This marks humanity’s first time changing the motion of a celestial object and the first demonstration of asteroid deflection technology"
I love the Italian Space Agency working with Nasa on this!
#LUKE camera on #LICIACube #SPACE #ASI
GIF Source:
Credit: ASI/NASA/j. Roger
#nasa #dart #luke #liciacube #space #asi
Here are the first images taken by #LICIACube of #DARTmission impact on asteroid #Dimorphos.
Now weeks and months of hard work are now starting for scientists and technicians involved in this mission, so stay tuned because we will have a lot to tell!
#Dimorphos #dartmission #liciacube
#Italienische #Raumfahrtagentur:
#ASI zeigt erste Bilder des #Dart-Einschlags.
Der italienische #Satellit #LICIACube hat den Aufprall von Dart auf dem #Asteroiden #Dimorphos beobachtet. Die #ASI hat erste Bilder veröffentlicht. ...
#italienische #raumfahrtagentur #asi #dart #satellit #liciacube #asteroiden #Dimorphos
#Italienische #Raumfahrtagentur:
#ASI zeigt erste Bilder des #Dart-Einschlags.
Der italienische #Satellit #LICIACube hat den Aufprall von Dart auf dem #Asteroiden #Dimorphos beobachtet. Die #ASI hat erste Bilder veröffentlicht. ...
#italienische #raumfahrtagentur #asi #dart #satellit #liciacube #asteroiden #Dimorphos
Here is a reconstruction of #DART's impact on minor-planet moon Dimorphos, as observed by the Italian cubesat LICIACube, which is in orbit around near Earth asteroid Didymos.
The reconstruction assumes #LICIAcube's camera was centered on #Dimorphos and so we see #Didymos move with respect to its moon. Without knowing the exact geometry of bodies and camera at the moment of the impact this is just one of many possibilities.
Processed images from:
#dart #liciacube #Dimorphos #didymos #esa #nasa #space
Joan Anton Català Amigó @estelsiplanetes
Simplement impressionant!
Han arribat les primeres imatges capturades pel petit satèl·lit italià LICIACube, que feia dies que s'havia desacoblat de la sonda DART i la seguia a distància prudencial. Dimorphos és l'objecte en segon pla.
Bravo magnifico lavoro!
LICIACube @LICIACube · Sep 27
Ecco le prime immagini scattate da #LICIACube dell’impatto di #DARTmission su #Dimorphos.
#liciacube #dartmission #dimorphos
Brace for impact: NASA teams ready for DART’s asteroid impact test #planetarydefense #international #dimorphos #liciacube #european #featured #uncrewed #didymos #other #dart #hera #nasa #apl
#dart #hera #nasa #apl #planetarydefense #international #Dimorphos #liciacube #european #featured #uncrewed #didymos #other
My little Artificial Unintelligent Agent informs me that #NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN) is communicating with the Italian CubeSat #LICIAcube which is on its way to witness #DART meeting its destiny onto asteroid #Dimorphos, on Mon. Sep 26, 2022 at 23:14:00 UTC (19:14:00 EDT). DSN is also currently communicating with DART.
#nasa #liciacube #dart #Dimorphos #dartmission #asi #asteroid #space
The clocks are ticking: 3 days separate us from #DARTmission's impact onto the asteroid #Dimorphos, and #LICIACube's cameras are preparing to look at it from very close.
LICIACube is a Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids:
#dartmission #Dimorphos #liciacube #asi #asteroid #space