#So... #AwkwardQuestion...
What's "King" #ChuckieCheese been up to since, #ArchRepublican and #MasterAssassin / #FormerSovietSleeperAgent, #LittleMissPorkMarkets #KilledTheQueen...?
Has he #FixedAnything, yet...?
#OnACompleteTangent... #IT's #JollyWarm in #TheOutside, aye...? We #Might "need" some #LickyLickyLollies...
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#so #awkwardquestion #chuckiecheese #archrepublican #masterassassin #formersovietsleeperagent #littlemissporkmarkets #killedthequeen #fixedanything #onacompletetangent #it #jollywarm #theoutside #might #lickylickylollies
#Awww... What a #BeautifulDay, #MisterDen...
My #CyclingHardware is #SafelyStowed for when #IT's #Not the #HottestDay of the #Year... We should do some #Recycling #OneDay, maybe...
#IT's also good #PeggingOut #Weather, aye...
#Meanwhile... #Back to #Diablo4World...
There's #Stuff #StillHappening and we have #LickyLickyLollies...
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#awww #beautifulday #misterden #cyclinghardware #safelystowed #it #not #hottestday #year #recycling #oneday #peggingout #weather #meanwhile #back #diablo4world #stuff #stillhappening #lickylickylollies
#So... #AwkwardQuestion...
What's "King" #ChuckieCheese been up to since, #ArchRepublican and #MasterAssassin, #LittleMissPorkMarkets #KilledTheQueen...?
Has he #FixedAnything, yet...?
#OnACompleteTangent... #IT's #JollyWarm in #TheOutside, aye...? We #Might "need" some #LickyLickyLollies...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήπ¨π¦π¨π¦Ήπ
#so #awkwardquestion #chuckiecheese #archrepublican #masterassassin #littlemissporkmarkets #killedthequeen #fixedanything #onacompletetangent #it #jollywarm #theoutside #might #lickylickylollies
#So... #AwkwardQuestion...
What's "King" #ChuckieCheese been up to since, #ArchRepublican and #MasterAssassin, #LittleMissPorkMarket #KilledTheQueen...?
Has he #FixedAnything, yet...?
#OnACompleteTangent... #IT's #JollyWarm in #TheOutside, aye...? We #Might "need" some #LickyLickyLollies...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήπ¨π¦π¨π¦Ήπ
#so #awkwardquestion #chuckiecheese #archrepublican #masterassassin #littlemissporkmarket #killedthequeen #fixedanything #onacompletetangent #it #jollywarm #theoutside #might #lickylickylollies