Our brains are awesome.
Learning #CW, yesterday struggling with BC1+KMY. Was getting high error rates after 30 minutes of trying. Today fired it up and got 100% error-free on my first try. I remember watching @qrper video about this and how our brains re-wire themselves to what we are studying. #LICW #Morse #hamradio
If you want to learn #Morsecode I highly recommend the #LICW club. https://longislandcwclub.org/
One of their founders was just interviewed on the BBC and it was a nice little push for the mode.
A Scottish operator was able to capture the broadcast OTA and shared it on youtube.
Straight key diary project update.
Jan 3rd 99/100 but I have a dilemma! I'm thinking I should carry on and just order another 100 qsl cards , I'm still waiting for the first 100 cards to arrive, I will pass my initial target today, do you think I should carry on? Or just end it at 100?
#cw #morsecode #skdiary2022 #skdiary2023 #licw #fists #skcc
#skcc #fists #licw #skdiary2023 #skdiary2022 #morsecode #cw
Final Proof, going to Print now, and will have them early new year, on qso 56/100 for the Straight Key Diary, after the 100, I will just carry on, sharing my CW with Paddle/Straight Key, but this little project was purely to force me back on the SK, which has worked, thanks to SKcc and LICW. I refuse to put the Begali on the shelf as a show piece, like so many do.
#cw #morsecode #skcc #fists #licw
#licw #fists #skcc #morsecode #cw
Just joined the Long Island CW Club #LICW My number is 3850. I have had a lonf time battle trying to learn code (Mostly due to my lack of time to buckle down and practice). I feel that the group classes and support will be a great way to motivate me to learn and finally get my allusive first CW QSO. #POTA, #SOTA, and #SKCC here I come.
#introduction hello, I'm a radio amateur based near Cambridge in the UK.
I've been back on the air for about 18 months following a long break of nearly 40 years. Should have done it sooner! Main interests are #SOTA and #POTA activating and chasing, and CW QSOs. Getting my CW going again with the help of the Long Island CW Club #licw
Home isn't a great location for VHF so mainly active on the HF bands, usually 40m through to 10m.
73 Jonathan
#licw #pota #sota #introduction