Ibland funderar jag på att bosätta mig i vår stuga på heltid. Inget rinnande vatten är en nackdel men lugnet som infinner sig i sinnet är oslagbart. Att stugan befinner sig mitt i europas största vindkraftpark retar dessutom gallfeber på mången faktaresistent sd väljare. Där kan det ju aldrig vara avkopplande skräner de högljutt. #vindkraft #stugliv #Lida
#Earthquake (#землятрус) M4.2 strikes 28 km SE of #Lida (#Belarus) 36 min ago. More info: https://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/earthquake.php?id=1263883
#earthquake #землятрус #lida #belarus
Final version of our paper on modeling the interaction between the narrative & embodied self in #LIDA out now! Click here to get it for free during the next 40 days: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1gnyV4xrDwUaOF #Cognition #Self #Narratives #Embodiment
#lida #cognition #self #narratives #embodiment
My #paper with Sean Kugele, Albert Newen and Stan Franklin on modeling the embodied and narrative self in #LIDA was accepted! You can find the preprint as part of a special edition of Cognitive Systems Research here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/cognitive-systems-research/special-issue/10F2QFBWFCB
Включил в голове трек #Lida - #Сумасшедшая и проходил 6 км под переодическим дождиком :blobcatgoogly:
RT @AnonymeCitoyen@twitter.com
Des images que l'on aimerait voir se propager dans le monde.
La police de #Lida rejoint les manifestations en #Bielorrusie.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnonymeCitoyen/status/1294382623939321858
#BelarusProtest #belarus #Bielorrusie #lida
@chadhflinn It's hard to judge the total number of learners because OERu does not require registration to gain access to the materials. Typically about 35% of learners register on the course site to receive course instructions via email. To date learning in a digital age has recorded 1135 registered learners from about 115 different countries. Next semester we're launching a global offering with a number of OERu partners participating in the #LiDA community learner hubs. #lida101
@Ccooperwood No we don't have a LIDA Facebook group but it's a good idea. Perhaps a few #LIDA learners will volunteer to start one?