You know, if @Netflix can't recognize what a good show is, maybe it shouldn't be in the entertainment business? Maybe switch to fishing nets, let others get on with it? #LidiaPoet notwithstanding. #YoungWallander
Yes! Frock Flicks did "The Law According to Lidia Poët", and basically, it seems like those incredibly gorgeous costumes are fairly accurate. Although there is the mystery of the missing bustles, which makes me laugh:
Estreno en #Netflix | La ley de #LidiaPoët: historia de una abogada, feminista y aventurera
Por @andreadatri, vía @izquierdadiario
#LidiaPoet serie in 6 episodi italiana, anche se qualcuno l'avrei doppiato volentieri. Basato su un personaggio storico e ambiento in una Torino di fine ottocento... ma con dialoghi un po' troppo contemporanei. C'è una storia di fondo ma gli episodi sono autoconcludenti, alleluia! La S1 tutto sommato ben fatta, se Netflix non cancella aspetto volentieri la S2 #recensionibrutte #netflixserie
#lidiapoet #recensionibrutte #netflixserie
#Watching la legge di #LidiaPoët (Netflix AU)
6 beautifully made episodes about a gentlewoman of Turin 1883
who can’t use her law degree cos the bar association won’t have a bar of women.
“If god had wanted you to be a lawyer, he would not have made you a woman”
But … Lidia is a dedicated truth-sleuth, and the stories are well-told
the costumes are lush and the sets decorated with great love
🇮🇹 Wikipédia italien:
1. Mare fuori #MareFuori
2. Lidia Poët #LidiaPoët
3. Victor Osimhen #VictorOsimhen
#marefuori #lidiapoet #victorosimhen
Has anyone watched Lidia Poet TV show?
The Italian to British over dubs take a bit of getting used to, but the show is pretty well done. There’s some great scenery and costumes. Even the British over dubbed acting is good.
I rated Lidia Poët (2023– ) 8/10 #IMDb
Interesting series set in the 19 century
Not sure if the main character is a layer or a detective
Visually appealing, customs if the time are on point, give it a chance
#imdb #lidiapoet #netflix #mastoseries #tvseries
The Law According to Lidia Poet, period mystery drama, good acting by all, great costumes and riveting plots. Worth the time. #LidiaPoet #TheLawAccordingToLidiaPoet #Netflix
#lidiapoet #thelawaccordingtolidiapoet #netflix
The Law According to Lidia Poet, period mystery drama, good acting by all, great costumes and riveting plots. Worth the time. #LidiaPoet #TheLawAccordingToLidiaPoet #Netflix
#netflix #thelawaccordingtolidiapoet #lidiapoet
🇮🇹 Wikipédia italien:
1. Mare fuori #MareFuori
2. Lidia Poët #LidiaPoët
3. Resta con me (serie televisiva) #RestaConMe(SerieTelevisiva)
#marefuori #lidiapoet #restaconme
The Law According to Lidia Poet is fun series on Netflix, a young woman in late 19th century Turin, Italy, is trying to establish herself as a lawyer. And she solves murders. Also ongoing intrigue with friends and family. And she wears a different fabulous outfit in every single scene. I’m trying to stop expecting her declaring “Bullshit!” every time she interrogates someone.
Fahrrad fahren lernen im bodenlangen Kleid auf Kopfsteinpflaster in Stiefeln während alle und ihr Hund gucken in unter einer Minute? Props. #LidiaPoet
El mio pues muy de relax. Siguiendo con la serie de #farScape y me he visto la de #lidiaPoet ha estado bien.
Tambien leyendo un poco el manual para dummis de la cámara y el de guia autista consejos para sobrevivir en el loco mundo de neurotípicos. Mirarse para uno dentro, individualmente, tiene sus cosas. Y aquí mi mente exploradora ha saltado a otra movida porque funciona así. Existirán comunidades enteras que se alejen de lo que se considera una comunidad típica? Como funcionarán?
Ich schaue gerade die zweite Episode von #LidiaPoët auf #Netflix. Eine wirklich grandiose Serie. Sehr witzig, tolle Schauspieler und aufwendig produziert. Leider nur 6 Folgen.
I just started watching the Netflix series, The Law According to Lidia Poët. Based on the true to life story of Lidia Poët, the first female Italian lawyer, this 19th century period piece recreates her struggles as a woman in the exclusive male legal profession as well as her advocacy for the rights of women. It’s the perfect watch if you love a good detective series… great sets and costumes too.
#LidiaPoet #WomensRights
Vanaf 15 februari kunnen we op Netflix kijken naar de Italiaanse serie ‘The Law According to Lidia Poët.' En dit Italiaanse kostuumdrama belooft heel aardig te worden.
#thelawaccordingtolidiapoet #lidiapoet #netflix