While it’s great there’s been a bit of progress towards getting rid of #conversiontherapy wrt sexuality, there are also way too many people in medical jobs who still try to force people into a different #gender.
The #CSDRN wanted to celebrate the former with #liebeistnichtheilbar, so to protest against the latter and for the #SelbstBestG, I modified the CSD slogan to #genderistnichtheilbar.
Happy pride!
#CSD #CSDmannheim #trans #nonbinary #enby #agender #genderfluid #genderqueer #LGBT #queer
#conversiontherapy #gender #CSDRN #liebeistnichtheilbar #selbstbestg #genderistnichtheilbar #csd #CSDmannheim #trans #nonbinary #enby #agender #genderfluid #genderqueer #lgbt #queer