Talk of Bikkhu Akaliko about integration of LGBTIQA+ persons in spiritual communities.
Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada #vipassana #insight #einsicht #gay #queer #rainbodhi
#buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada #vipassana #Insight #einsicht #gay #queer #rainbodhi
Spiritual communities often emphasise that the way to liberation and enlightenment is to give up your ego and your identity - your queerness.
This is not fair. In fact, it is a very subtle form of discrimination and rejection.
We need safe spaces and spiritual communities that support us on our journey as rainbow people.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada #vipassana #insight #einsicht #gay #queer #safespace #spiritual
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada #vipassana #Insight #einsicht #gay #queer #safespace #spiritual
Don't judge yourself.
Don't criticise yourself.
Don't even try to prove you are worthy.
Don't go into that darkness.
Meditation is beyond all worldly criteria.
Sit down, close your eyes, breathe in, breathe out, and time stands still.
For no one.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada #vipassana #insight #einsicht
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada #vipassana #Insight #einsicht
True happiness is not dependent on the outside world - it comes from within. Therefore, it is not selfish, and it's not in conflict with anyone.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada #vipassana #insight #einsicht
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada #vipassana #Insight #einsicht
Be gentle. Be kind and benevolent. Listen.
Maintain an attitude of acceptance and respect.
Create a safe space so that people can relax in your presence and let go fear and anxiety.
The gift of fearlessness is precious and very, very fragile.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada
Ein Gänseblümchen würde niemals versuchen eine Rose zu sein. Das wäre auch ziemlich absurd.
Ein Gänseblümchen ist ein Gänseblümchen, jeden Tag so gut es kann.
A daisy would never try to be a rose. That would be a stupid thing to do.
A daisy is just a daisy, every day as good as it can.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada #flowers #Blumen #daisy #Gänseblümchen #Rose
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada #flowers #Blumen #daisy #ganseblumchen #rose
May you be kind.
May you be gentle.
May you be able to love and forgive yourself.
May you be surrounded by loving kindness.
May you be an inspiration for others.
May all beings be touched by the gift of your loving heart.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #metta #theravada
#Buddhismus #buddhism #meditation #lovingkindness #liebendegute #Metta #Theravada
Möge es Dir gutgehen.
Mögest Du glücklich sein.
Mögest Du friedvoll sein.
May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you be peaceful.
#buddhism #Buddhismus #meditation #metta #lovingkindness #Liebendegüte
#buddhism #Buddhismus #meditation #Metta #lovingkindness #liebendegute
Man muss das Gute tun damit es in der Welt ist.
You have to do the good so that it is in the world.
#Meditation #metta #buddhism #Buddhismus #theravada #lovingkindness #Liebendegüte
#meditation #Metta #buddhism #Buddhismus #Theravada #lovingkindness #liebendegute
Let people grow.
Give room for silence.
Be a kind presence.
#buddhism #metta #buddhismus #lovingkindness #liebendegüte #meditation
#buddhism #Metta #Buddhismus #lovingkindness #liebendegute #meditation
May you be well.
May you be happy.
May you be peaceful.
May you see all things rising and falling with equanimity.
May you bring balance and equanimity to all beings.
May you be free.
May you find peace.
May you be happy.
#balance #metta #lovingkindness #equanimity #buddhism #Buddhismus #liebendegüte #meditation #maitribhavana
#balance #Metta #lovingkindness #Equanimity #buddhism #Buddhismus #liebendegute #meditation #maitribhavana
Whatever I have done to you in thought word and deed: please forgive me. It came out of my 'dukkha'.
Whatever you have done to me in thought word and deed: I forgive you.
I know it came out of your 'dukkha".
Lay down the burden.
Set your heart free.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #metta #liebendegüte #meditation #love #lovingkindness #forgiveness #vergebung #Liebe
#Buddhismus #buddhism #Metta #liebendegute #meditation #love #lovingkindness #forgiveness #Vergebung #liebe
Was immer ich Dir angetan habe in Gedanken, Wort und Tat: bitte vergib mir. Es geschah aus meinem 'dukkha'.
Was immer Du mir angetan hast in Gedanken, Wort und Tat: ich vergebe Dir. Ich weiß, es geschah aus Deinem 'dukkha'.
Leg die Last ab.
Gib Dein Herz frei.
#Buddhismus #buddhism #metta #liebendegüte #meditation #love #lovingkindness #forgiveness #vergebung #Liebe
#Buddhismus #buddhism #Metta #liebendegute #meditation #love #lovingkindness #forgiveness #Vergebung #liebe
#lovingkindness #heart #buddhism #liebendegute #herz #Buddhismus #Metta
Sei sanftmütig.
Sei freundlich.
Lass die Angst gehen.
Lächle den Menschen zu und lass sie in Deinen Augen alles sehen, was gut an ihnen ist.
#metta #meditation #Buddhismus #liebendegüte
Be gentle.
Be kind.
Let go of fear.
Smile at people and let them see in your eyes everything that is good in them.
#buddhism #lovinkindness #liebendegute #Buddhismus #meditation #Metta
Der Morgen brachte Kühle und Leichtigkeit.
Ich stand am Fenster und fühlte die Luft auf meiner Haut, sanft und leise.
Der Wind kam aus der Ferne und erzählte Geschichten vom Staub der Sahara, von Meeren und Seen, Wiesen und Wäldern und dem Schnnee der Gebirge.
#Metta #liebendegute #Buddhismus #achtsamkeit #meditation