It’s interesting because in their Fox News interview, Jim Bob said Josh didn’t do anything wrong, just touched girls over their clothes while they were sleeping, but then when asked if he thought there was a risk the treatment facility didn’t work and maybe Josh would hurt any of their other kids, he said, “No, Josh was a changed person.”
So but wait… if Josh didn’t do anything wrong, then how could he later be a changed person? 🤔 What did he change from, if he wasn’t misbehaving in the first place? 🤔🤔
How to detect a lie? The truth lies in the details...
UvA researcher Bruno Verschuere about the results of their study on #liedetection
"The Middle Ages saw barbaric forms of lie detection used in Europe, such as the red-hot iron method which involved suspected criminals placing their tongue, often multiple times, on a red-hot iron. Here, a burnt tongue indicated guilt." #liedetection #crime #physiology #science #polygraph #history #policing
Lie detection tests have worked the same way for 3,000 years – and they're still hopelessly inaccurate
#liedetection #crime #physiology #science #polygraph #history #policing
Ich weiss, ich weiss, ihr habt keine Zeit, so viel zu tun, so viele wichtige Dinge und überhaupt.
Nehmt euch, vielleicht an einem grauen, kalten Tag wie heute [in Lachstadt] mal 1 1/2 Stunden Zeit:
#BodyLanguage #Debunk #PaulEkman #microexpessions #lieDetection
#bodylanguage #debunk #paulekman #microexpessions #liedetection
@LoriLevin thx for sharing this very insightful article from #ProPublica about #LieDetection #JunkScience used to convict #911Callers. I hope the revelations from this article will spark overturning those wrongful convictions and allow those affected to have a fair retrial.
#keepjunkscienceoutofourcourts #911callers #junkscience #liedetection #propublica