Well OK!
#LordOfTheLost will be representing Germany at the #EurovisionSongContest in May!
You go, boiz! Represent!
I'm so glad hipster hat didn't get it; I was starting to get palpitations!
#lordofthelost #EurovisionSongContest #liedfurliverpool
🤣 This medley... 😜 to quote George Takei... Oh, my! 🤣
Poopysocks. Hipster hat guy is pulling out into a comfortable lead.
I hate hipster hats.
What is this shit?
Are you shitting me, Germany?
Am I supposed to believe #BossHoss is a real thing, not a novelty act a la #WeirdAl?
#BossHoss #weirdal #liedfurliverpool
Now comes the voting, with a bunch of numbers in an easy table. Vote by calling.
🤣 0,14€ call, 0,20€ SMS.
#lordsofthelost #liedfurliverpool
There should be one more act. There were supposed to be 9, but one called in sick.
What is this audience sing along? This must be a German thing. I saw it on Karneval, too... spontaneous sing-alongs.
I think it's time for another bong rip.
A ren-faire redhead. Plays a hurdy gurdy. Dirty old man musician is immediately intrigued.
Wait. What? Just a quicky on the gurdy?
Nice legs.
Music is predictable but upbeat, and not same as 3 of the others.
Promo is some bearded long hair wandering the docks with a guitar on his back.
Is this a remix of the first two?
This hipster hat bugs the shit out of me for some reason. I can't get past this.
The caterwauling doesn't help.
Oh gawd. Bayern barn band skater boi punks.
Schlager meets Ramones on Qualudes. It's horrible.
#lonelyspring #liedfurliverpool
So far, I've heard/seen nothing #EurovisionSongContest-worthy. No clue who the hosts of this show are. The blond Moderatorin I've seen on other shows, but the other 3, no clue.
Who's next?
#EurovisionSongContest #liedfurliverpool
#AnikaRusso is a cute redhead from Oldenburg.
So far she sounds like some french chanteuse out of some 🧀 movie about the the Spanish Civil War or something.
Kinda dramatic. I kinda like it.
The hosts are blabbering about whatever. I'ma do a bong rip.