Even kid-me knew to hype up the first issue of what was sure to be a valuable heirloom in the years to come. #indie #superhero #comicbook #Liefeld #terrible #kungfu
#indie #superhero #comicbook #liefeld #terrible #kungfu
A comic by kid-me, age 10. By my estimation more valuable than possibly Liefeld's YOUNGBLOOD No.1 or even Liefeld's TEAM YOUNGBLOOD No. 1. #indiecomic #liefeld #DIY #terrible #horror #psychotronic
#indiecomic #liefeld #diy #terrible #horror #psychotronic
Me flipa esto porque por más que me esfuerzo no encuentro ninguna diferencia con Before Watchmen h Doomsday Clock
RT @Lie_Felled@twitter.com
BloodWatch: Force Strike! #liefeld #watchmen
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Lie_Felled/status/1605550773550477312