Dirk Dittmar · @ddittmar
46 followers · 186 posts · Server norden.social
Yeos photography πŸ“· · @yeos
393 followers · 738 posts · Server mastodon.world

Remembering classic πŸ“Ί An action drama series about who patrol the beaches of πŸ˜‡with πŸ“Έ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈAkA C.J. Parker also starred πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Can you believe the show ran in its original format from 1989 to 1999😳 ❀️

#TVShow #baywatch #lifeGuards #losangeles #pinup #pamelaanderson #DavidHasselhoff #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Dunkelstern · @dunkelstern
150 followers · 369 posts · Server kampftoast.de

To all people who volunteer in some sort of club (, , marksmen club, ambulances, etc.) can you see a change in in general that started with coronavirus and did not recover from that? Our makerspace had about 30 people active of 90 before corona and now it shrank to about 10-15 active people and does not seem to recover. We get more new members than old ones returning. Can you see that for your clubs too?

#makerspace #fireBrigade #lifeGuards #participation #volunteering

Last updated 2 years ago