#LLM #LifeChoice https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vfsB5t3r5dBACKQx6FshVw 《选择你的道路:LLM 时代指南》
因为实际发现效果并不理想,特别论文都在小参数量下做的实验,一旦 Scaling 到大参数量很多结论就不 work 了,反而原始 Transformer 本身的 Scaling 性就很好,经典款最好用。
那怎么不去做大参数量实验呢,当然是成本太高了。一定要证明的话就会变成,民那我这有一个很好的 idea,现在就差某人资助几千张 H100 帮我验证一下。前阵看到 Scaling TransNormer to 175 Billion Parameters 时,想不会真有人在完全新结构上训了个 175B 吧,找来论文一看才发现原来就验证了下吞吐,也在等某位慈善家资助卡。
最近论文 No Train No Gain 也发现,很多数据、模型结构、优化器参数的改进,声称提高了效率效果,但对齐好所有条件一对比发现并没声称那么好,该用的算力还得用,该过的数据还得过,所以是 No Train No Gain。还是经典款最香。”
#LLM #LifeChoice https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/vfsB5t3r5dBACKQx6FshVw《选择你的道路:LLM 时代指南》
因为实际发现效果并不理想,特别论文都在小参数量下做的实验,一旦 Scaling 到大参数量很多结论就不 work 了,反而原始 Transformer 本身的 Scaling 性就很好,经典款最好用。
那怎么不去做大参数量实验呢,当然是成本太高了。一定要证明的话就会变成,民那我这有一个很好的 idea,现在就差某人资助几千张 H100 帮我验证一下。前阵看到 Scaling TransNormer to 175 Billion Parameters 时,想不会真有人在完全新结构上训了个 175B 吧,找来论文一看才发现原来就验证了下吞吐,也在等某位慈善家资助卡。
最近论文 No Train No Gain 也发现,很多数据、模型结构、优化器参数的改进,声称提高了效率效果,但对齐好所有条件一对比发现并没声称那么好,该用的算力还得用,该过的数据还得过,所以是 No Train No Gain。还是经典款最香。”
Seven #Existential #Movies That Will Make You Go Back And Question Every Single #LifeChoice You've Made
#existential #movies #lifechoice
#LifeChoice 《产品沉思录》,关于如何做缓慢艰苦的工作。直接抄吧:
> 补充一些个人熬过去那些泥泞的方法,未必全面,但或许值得一试:
Which wolf are you feeding?
#peace #karma #spirituality #lifechoice
#peace #karma #spirituality #lifechoice
I continued life not so fully the life I want. Until now. Truly. After 36 or 37 years. I did not get to go to Yale, Oxford or Cambridge. Did not get to study or read books. I only get to think. Now I am writing. I started living life towards Cambridge or Oxford, years ago. I love that life. Now that is where I am going and the basis of my writing is, the Universe is so big, Knowledge is so many.
So, I hope I will write what is worthwhile for many.
Sofia Zakaria
Me, for a start, so readers know the basis of my writings.
I had been a little unfortunate that its effects are big. Was it only to me? Do not know.
When I was young, I was uncomfortable with life, alone, no one to turn to, parents divorced, there was a night where I looked out my window. What was I doing at 2 am at the age of 8 or 9? I was alone and too young to use lonely as the term. What did I see? I see the life I want. The life, studying at 2am.
My #happiness is totally under my control. Happiness is just a state of mind, so if you're not #happy just change your mind.
#happiness #happy #stateofmind #newoutlook #lifechoice #behappy
Fuck harder when everyone is looking. #sexlife #lifechoice #exhibition
#exhibition #lifechoice #sexlife
Look at you guys helping me be my best me! :)
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Current #lifechoice