Analogy for today’s political climate:
Saw on the news that the Orange line on Metro was experiencing delays. Was distantly glad that I wasn’t on the train. Went to the mechanic to pick up my car, where it promptly cut back off before I could drive it off the lot. Guess who’s on the train now? 😒
Lesson: Stop voting for things that could adversely impact you because you think it can’t or won’t happen to you. #LifeComesAtYouFast #Vote #Resist #ExpandTheCourt
#lifecomesatyoufast #vote #resist #expandthecourt
What a difference 3 months make. 🙃
What a difference 3 months make. 🙃
Bob Iger.
Left, January.
Right, November.
The 13 highest-paying #jobs you can do from home.
"43 percent of working Americans occasionally work remotely and over a third of workers would change jobs for the opportunity to do so."
What will you be doing in 5, 10 years?
Will your high cost education & mad skillz be obsolete for the job market?
Will you be too old to hire & too young to retire?🤔
#WorkFromHome #WFH #Telecommute #Remote #LifeComesAtYouFast #AI
#Automation #PlannedObsolescence
#basicincome #ubi #plannedobsolescence #automation #ai #lifecomesatyoufast #remote #telecommute #wfh #workfromhome #jobs