Its a hard to understand simple thing. In the era of the #deathcult the fashernisas are almost always wrong and a part of the problem. In the era of the #lifecult fahernistas are mostly right and a part of the solution, does that make it more simple?
The terms #deathcult and #lifecult are metaphorical ways of describing different aspects of human condition. The #deathcult is the mainstream way of thinking that prioritizes greed and materialism, while the #lifecult is a messy counter-current that emphasizes values such as ecology and social justice. nuts and nutters are also worshiping the #deathcult a question for you what would a #lifecult look like for you?
The #mainstreamining project is obviously failing, and is likely to catastrophicly fail over the next 50 years as #climatechaos grows.
We face a frightening choice,:
keep bowing down to the #deathcult with the outcome of the rule big, dumb ugly men with guns.
Build and support alternative projects/paths, worship a #lifecult nurture the #grassroots maybe then we can have a humaine outcome.
The are no easey paths #OMN
#mainstreamining #climatechaos #deathcult #lifecult #grassroots #omn
@humanetech @404 the hashtags are grassroots social organisating tools. They are simply metaphors of existing ideas.
Yes the is a little language magic at play, no bad thing as we can't help keeping recreating religion's. #deathcult is the opposite of #lifecult and yes the is an understanding in both of very human "cult/tribalism"
Post-truth, post-modernism "steer round" are both drivern by fear/control and in turn drives this right mess.
Compost and plant left seeds #OMN #deathcult and #lifecult are metaphors of human nature
We live in a "post truth" world where our everyday life is shaped by "cults" on one side you have the air we breathe #deathcult of neo-liberalism on the other you have blocking the bridges and languishing in jails the #lifecult of #XR both in their ways are "cults".
A river that needs crossing political and tech – On the political side, there is arrogance and ignorance, on the geek side there is naivety and over complexity
is the bridge we have to cross to have any effect on the #lifecult a radical look at the mess we are in #lifecult
What would #lifecult code look like is a valid question?
This is putting aside the problem with "cult" for a moment :)
@strypey could start "Mainstream pressure, through actions such as peer pressure, can force individuals to conform to the mores of the group (e.g., an obedience to the mandates of the peer group)"
Last few years #XR make clear that such #mainstreaming is no longer a #lifecult, and we can't keep down that path.