New packaging rules might put at risk the water needs of 750,000 people each year [Promoted content] #lifecycleassessment #paperpackaging #waterstress
#lifecycleassessment #paperpackaging #waterstress
There *are* tools to adress the environmental impact of products: Life Cycle Assesment (LCA).
Sadly, in most cases, LCA is used by corporations to greenwash their products by chosing arbitrary system boundaries (everything is connected and there are thousands of indirect effects up- or downstream that are indeed very difficult to calculate) and usually low-quality average values for the different parameters are used (regional differences are rarely taken into account: there is a difference if you throw away the packaging in Slovenia or in the US*).
And there is a general lack of data. Direct emissions are not so difficult, you can even put a price tag (that will be definitely too low, but still...). But how in Xs name do you put a number on biodiversity loss?
Some companies are really trying and use LCA to make good decisions based on data. But don't trust the big ones. Nestle & co employ armies of desktop sustainability PR staff to fool concerned consumers and legislators with fake numbers.
And, you are totally right: LCA does not integrate long-term effects on society or more complex issues like inequality.
Notwithstandig, there are people working in this field since the 60-70s. The German word is hilarious: "Technikfolgenabschätzung" (= estimation of effects of technology).
But apparently, these institutions either didn't do a good job, or (more probable) their warning voices weren't listened.
Take care and read about the Luddites (you'll be surprised):
* Because Slovenia has waay better recycling facilities than the US. Just saying, if somebody had thought otherwise...🤔
#Technikfolgenabschätzung #TechnologyAssessment #LifeCycleAssessment #LCA
#Luddites #Luddism #Technology
#technikfolgenabschatzung #TechnologyAssessment #lifecycleassessment #lca #luddites #Luddism #technology
It will be a one-way stream. So please #comment here if you have any remarks, questions, or just want to let me know that you were there! 😉
Follow along if you want to learn more about my PhD research on 'Building Data Models for Scalable High-Resolution #LifeCycleAssessment' and how the data and models I developed are supporting industry leaders and policy makers to reduce emissions of buildings across Europe.
🥂🍾 To those present in Leuven, I warmly invite you to come by and say hello! 2/
Finally, a solution to plastic pollution that’s not just recycling
#LCA #lifeCycleAnalysis #lifeCycleAssessment #news #plastic #UN
#lca #lifecycleanalysis #lifecycleassessment #news #plastic #un
RT @esanyemengual: ♻️Attending the 2nd day of the #EUGreenWeek? Visit our stand on #ConsumerSustainability
♻️From the @EU_ScienceHub we work on #LifeCycleAssessment solutions to better inform consumers on the environmental impact of products (🧴) and organizations, and of your lifestyle (🛒)
#EUGreenWeek #ConsumerSustainability #lifecycleassessment
New #PhD student position. Sustainability in the #building and #construction sector.
Qualifications: #lifecycleassessment #cohort_modelling, #greenbuildings
Join our team!
#greenbuildings #cohort_modelling #lifecycleassessment #construction #building #phd
New #PhD student position. Sustainability in the #building and #construction sector.
Qualifications: #lifecycleassessment #cohort_modelling, #greenbuildings
Join our team!
#greenbuildings #cohort_modelling #lifecycleassessment #construction #building #phd
@bluegreenandfree @greenone67 @MyOpinion Yeah.
#LifeCycleAssessment can get wild lol
We have a #postdoc position open in #LifeCycleAssessment for the #bioeconomy. Check it out and apply with deadline April 16th.
#postdoc #lifecycleassessment #bioeconomy
Hallo Hafermilchjunkies, hier nun nach der Testphase der Vergleich der beiden Produkte:
1) Hafermilch Konzentrat: super vielseitiges Produkt - geschmacklich 1:1 wie normale Hafermilch wenn entsprechend hochverdünnt, ansonsten sehr süss - das ist kein Nachteil, ich habe damit vegane Crème Brulée gemacht, sehr lecker! (Rezept folgt)
2) Hafermilchpulver: Sehr effizient, man schleppt 4l (4kg) Hafermilch reduziert auf 0.5kg nach Hause - Abzüge: schmeckt fade und das Pulver löst sich nicht sehr gut und verklumpt, man muss immer mindestens mit dem Schneebesen ran - viel weniger süss, als normale Hafermilch, kann für manche Leute ein Vorteil sein.
Ich frage mich wie die beiden Produkte hergestellt werden - muss hier irgendwo getrocknet / kondensiert werden im Herstellungsprozess? Wenn ja, wäre das sehr energieintensiv, andererseits werden ja später Transportkosten gespart - wer macht ein #lifecycleassessment ?
Fazit: für mich ist das Konzentrat wegen Geschmack und Vielseitigkeit der Gewinner
Anhang: Nährwerte
Hallo Hafermilchjunkies, hier nun nach der Testphase der Vergleich der beiden Produkte:
1) Hafermilch Konzentrat: super vielseitiges Produkt - geschmacklich 1:1 wie normale Hafermilch wenn entsprechend hochverdünnt, ansonsten sehr süss - das ist kein Nachteil, ich habe damit vegane Crème Brulée gemacht, sehr lecker! (Rezept folgt)
2) Hafermilchpulver: Sehr effizient, man schleppt 4l (4kg) Hafermilch reduziert auf 0.5kg nach Hause - Abzüge: schmeckt fade und das Pulver löst sich nicht sehr gut und verklumpt, man muss immer mindestens mit dem Schneebesen ran - viel weniger süss, als normale Hafermilch, kann für manche Leute ein Vorteil sein.
Ich frage mich wie die beiden Produkte hergestellt werden - muss hier irgendwo getrocknet / kondensiert werden im Herstellungsprozess? Wenn ja, wäre das sehr Energieintensiv, andererseits werden ja später Transportkosten gespart - wer macht ein #lifecycleassessment ?
Fazit: für mich ist das Konzentrat wegen Geschmack und Vielseitigkeit der Gewinner
Anhang: Nährwerte
Dingelingeling! Highly interesting article on the carbon footprint of bicycle 🚲 production and use on my favorite website (the low tech magazine). My no. 1 take-away: in terms of life-cycle assessment a steel-frame electric bike has a lower footprint than a non-electric aluminium-frame bicycle! Read much more here ➡️
#bicycle #bycicles #climate #carbonfootprint #cycling #lifecycle #LifeCycleAnalyses #lifecycleassessment #plannedObsolence #capitalism #fahrrad #velo
#velo #fahrrad #capitalism #plannedObsolence #lifecycleassessment #LifeCycleAnalyses #lifecycle #cycling #carbonfootprint #climate #bycicles #bicycle
Our latest articles on #Regenerative #Design #Strategy for #Buildings and insights from their #LifeCycleAssessment are #OpenAccess for another ~25days. Check them out and #DownloadForFree now! 🌻
Access links in the original post 👇
#regenerative #design #strategy #buildings #lifecycleassessment #openaccess #downloadforfree
The ultimate value we gain from modeling depends on the dominant underlying values at play - values that impact the inputs used & the interpretations of the resulting outputs. This post is based on @drvolts interview with Dr. Erica Thompson on his Volts podcast.
#modeling #modelmaking #ClimateAction #energymodeling #sustainabledesign #valuesmatter #diversityandinclusion #esg #environmentalsocialgovernance #prosocial #lifecycleassessment #socialcostofcarbon
#socialcostofcarbon #lifecycleassessment #prosocial #EnvironmentalSocialGovernance #esg #diversityandinclusion #valuesmatter #sustainabledesign #energymodeling #ClimateAction #modelmaking #modeling
Ever wondered about environmental #benefits of bio-based building #materials 🌱 and what a combo with #lowtech passive #solar building #design can a do for fulfilling #climate #targets? 🌞 Well, lets find out! 👇 #PaperAlert!🎉
We present two #articles conducting #LifeCycleAssessment of #RegenerativeDesign #Strategies - Out now in #BuildingsAndEnergy!
1) Bio-based material solutions:
2) Low-tech passive solar building design:
#OpenAccess (50 days)
#benefits #materials #lowtech #solar #design #climate #targets #paperalert #articles #lifecycleassessment #RegenerativeDesign #strategies #buildingsandenergy #openaccess
I have transitioned to industry since finishing my #PhD. My main motivation? To help change industry from within and avert both climatic and #biodiversity
collapse. On thursday, 4pm Central European Time I'll talk about the challenges to biodiversity:
#biodiversity #extinction #LCA #lifecycleassessment
#phd #biodiversity #extinction #lca #lifecycleassessment
Fascinating blog post about the increasing challenges #electricgrid s and power plant operators are facing due to the dynamics introduced into the system by prioritizing #renewables generation.
(I might mention that I am all for #renewableenergy .. but as someone with a bit more interest and education in science & technology than average I see challenges here that appear to be insufficiently addressed by current policies)
the author on twitter:
#electricalgrid #systemsengineering #systemsthinking #lifecycleassessment
#renewables #electricalgrid #systemsengineering #electricgrid #renewableenergy #systemsthinking #lifecycleassessment
Life cycle assessment
Currently (Dez 22) there is no content related to #lifecycleassessment (hashtags etc.) on Mastodon. So here a beacon to help us connect, please boost to pass on.
#lifecycleassessment #inputoutput #eemrio #lca #materialflowanalysis #mfa #quantitativesustainability #sustainability #lci #lifecycleinventoryanalysis #lcia #lifecycleimpactassessment #ecoinvent
30 Nov - Industrial Ecology Day free online conference.
Register today for the sessions you are interested in. I will be hosting the session
Cutting-edge applications of industrial ecology in the built environment
#industrialecology #LifeCycleAssessment #SustainableBuildings
#sustainablebuildings #lifecycleassessment #industrialecology
30 Nov - Industrial Ecology Day free online conference.
Register today for the sessions you are interested in. I will be hosting the session
Cutting-edge applications of industrial ecology in the built environment
#industrialecology #LifeCycleAssessment #SustainableBuildings
#sustainablebuildings #lifecycleassessment #industrialecology