Do you think there is other life forms out there besides what is on Earth? This includes other humans, aliens or whatever else.
Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse
#Poll #Polls #POTD #Humans #LifeForm #Galaxies #Aliens #Tech #AllThingsTech
#fediverse #poll #polls #potd #humans #lifeform #galaxies #aliens #tech #allthingstech
Brian Keating’s INTO THE IMPOSSIBLE Podcast
Paul Davies & Jim Benford: Alien Lurkers
#DrBrianKeating #alien #artifact #beacon #biosphere #chirality #confirmationBias #ET #extremophile #lifeform #geneticMessage #METI #microbiome #mirrorLife #observer #presence #SETI #shadowBiosphere #UAP #webOfLife
#drbriankeating #alien #artifact #beacon #biosphere #chirality #confirmationbias #et #extremophile #lifeform #geneticmessage #meti #microbiome #mirrorlife #observer #presence #seti #shadowbiosphere #uap #weboflife
Here's this week's PC #Podcast episode...
Have a listen. You never know, you might like it!
PCP#775... Music For Chatbots....with tracks by... #Spray #BlackLightDistrict #TheLastPassenger #MamboMelon #RegeneratedHead #BooomHornz #ThaGuts #TheD3vil #LifeForm #FreshAndMor #ManwelT #Cepheid #HolyFandaAndTheReverends #Cyan341
#podcast #spray #blacklightdistrict #thelastpassenger #mambomelon #regeneratedhead #booomhornz #thaguts #thed3vil #lifeform #freshandmor #manwelt #cepheid #holyfandaandthereverends #cyan341
#DreamNails #JoeUnknown #WeThreeKings #TheClockworks #Fuzziebär #GRÓA #MinamiDeutsch #SeiStill #TheDirt #TheFiends #Honeyglaze #StaticInVerona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #DietervanderWesten #Embatucadores #ChebeenTeriya #BalimayaProject #TribuBaharú #AbayomyAfrobeatOrquestra #HoodnaOrchestra #JBKings #MelbourneDouglasAndTheRegulators #TheMoonInvaders #SmokeAndMirrors #YoungIsraelites #NewBladeRunnersOfDub #D4N #WakeUpNeo #LifeForm #MinimalOrchestra #Akusmatic #ThePolishAmbassador
#dreamnails #joeunknown #wethreekings #TheClockworks #fuzziebar #groa #minamideutsch #seistill #TheDirt #thefiends #Honeyglaze #staticinverona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #dietervanderwesten #embatucadores #chebeenteriya #BalimayaProject #tribubaharu #abayomyafrobeatorquestra #hoodnaorchestra #jbkings #melbournedouglasandtheregulators #themooninvaders #smokeandmirrors #youngisraelites #newbladerunnersofdub #d4n #WakeUpNeo #lifeform #MinimalOrchestra #akusmatic #thepolishambassador
#DreamNails #JoeUnknown #WeThreeKings #TheClockworks #Fuzziebär #GRÓA #MinamiDeutsch #SeiStill #TheDirt #TheFiends #Honeyglaze #StaticInVerona #KnightsOfMandala #SuzanneBelaubre #DietervanderWesten #Embatucadores #ChebeenTeriya #BalimayaProject #TribuBaharú #AbayomyAfrobeatOrquestra #HoodnaOrchestra #JBKings #MelbourneDouglasAndTheRegulators #TheMoonInvaders #SmokeAndMirrors #YoungIsraelites #NewBladeRunnersOfDub #D4N #WakeUpNeo #LifeForm #MinimalOrchestra #Akusmatic #ThePolishAmbassador
#dreamnails #joeunknown #wethreekings #theclockworks #fuzziebar #groa #minamideutsch #seistill #thedirt #thefiends #honeyglaze #staticinverona #knightsofmandala #suzannebelaubre #dietervanderwesten #embatucadores #chebeenteriya #BalimayaProject #tribubaharu #abayomyafrobeatorquestra #hoodnaorchestra #jbkings #melbournedouglasandtheregulators #themooninvaders #smokeandmirrors #youngisraelites #newbladerunnersofdub #d4n #wakeupneo #lifeform #minimalorchestra #akusmatic #thepolishambassador
#federationDay 🖖🏳️🌈
#investor #outcomes #ofTheFediFuture
Via @TaraOComics
#twitterinvestor and #embattled #lifeform #breeder Elon Musk (aka "Cyrano") continues to shore up efforts to proclaim his universal acclaim the being the best at the #Federation #FreeMarket.
Mr. Musk could not be reached for comment after the latest market developments. Whereabouts remain unknown. 🤔
In related news, #FediNews24th now breaks with this news from the tribble futures market...
#federationday #investor #outcomes #ofthefedifuture #twitterinvestor #embattled #lifeform #breeder #federation #FreeMarket #fedinews24th
Smallest mobile #lifeform created - #Understanding of cell motility’s evolution swims forward
Smallest #mobile #lifeform created.
#mobile #lifeform #spiroplasma #bacteria #SyntheticBiology
Guardé dos rodajas de limón en la nevera y ahora tengo algo que me mira raro 😂 #lifeform
Daily quick patches 005 & 006 - lifeform 1, another use case for 003, #crazy, alive - and a small patch to show, how tap tempo works.
#nosuperscience #musicalpd #puredata #pd #dailyquickpatch #pdvanilla #taptempo #lifeform
#lifeform #taptempo #pdvanilla #dailyquickpatch #pd #puredata #musicalpd #nosuperscience #crazy