mettez du Yann Tiersen sur un film d'horreur et tout de suite ça devient deux fois plus fun.
#lifehacking #yanntiersen
V neděli si v rámci online callu Klubu Lifehacky budeme povídat o spoustě zajímavých věcí:
- moderní browsery - stojí za tu změnu?
- time-boxing jako cesta k produktivitě?
- jak na jet-lag (appky a triky)
- aktualizace Oury (fíčura: experimenty)
- zkušenosti členů se službami supermoderní Healthy Longevity Clinic v Praze
- a další
Přidejte se! 🚀🧙 hackněte to
Minulou neděli jsme si povídali v Klubu Lifehacky s fyzioterapeutem hvězd Michalem Novotným a bylo to oči-otevírající. Témata na screenshotu. Celý záznam je dostupný jen pro členy klubu. Stát se součástí české komunity lifehackerů ale není složité ani drahé:…. #lifehacking #fyzioterapie #sport #bolest #zranění
#lifehacking #fyzioterapie #sport #bolest #zraneni
Minulou neděli jsme si povídali v Klubu Lifehacky s fyzioterapeutem hvězd Michalem Novotným a bylo to oči-otevírající. Témata na screenshotu. Celý záznam je dostupný jen pro členy klubu. Stát se součástí české komunity lifehackerů ale není složité ani drahé: #lifehacking #fyzioterapie #sport #bolest #zranění
#lifehacking #fyzioterapie #sport #bolest #zraneni
I'm a gal working full-time in tech who sidelines as a coach, innovator and general creative and intuitive adventurer. I'm excited to check out this space because social media is dragging me down. I also love joining and creating safe community.
I love AI art, lifehacking, analytics, divination, goddesses, gardening, hiking, and tennis. And PASTRIES. I have a blog at which discusses the divine feminine, career, and philosophical meanderings.
#introduction #divinefeminine #lifehacking #bread #career #life #conservation #gardening #women
#introduction #divinefeminine #lifehacking #bread #career #life #conservation #gardening #women
Hi #Fediverse , I would like to introduce myself since i’m #newhere.
I'm Paul, I live in the Netherlands and my main interests are:
* Software development, mostly backend in #typescript
* Sports, in particular I'm a big fan of #trailrunning.
* Reading Fantasy books.
* Doing workations and other forms of travelling with the family (wife and dog).
* General keen learning of everything todo with #lifehacking, #Philosophy and #minimalism.
So, e-greetings to you all!
#fediverse #newhere #typescript #trailrunning #lifehacking #philosophy #minimalism
Do You Need to Sell Your Mental Health for a Paycheck? The great debate between #Passion & #Money!
#passion #money #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #lifelessons #life #lifehacking
Do You Need to Sell Your Mental Health for a Paycheck? The great debate between #Passion & #Money!
#passion #money #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #lifelessons #life #lifehacking
y'a des gens qui paient des services de vibration en salle de sport. alors qu'il suffit de prendre le bus entre velizy et massy.
#lifehacking #sport #lesachieztu
#lifehacking #sport #lesachieztu
When I was younger, I had the classic #fixedvictim mindset where I believed I was limited by my circumstances.
Over the years, I cracked the code to my happiness, and now I have a #growthowner mindset where I am able to conquer any mountain and maintain a positive momentum.
How will you change in your pictures 10 years from now?
#gamifyyourhabits #growthmindset #fixedmindset #habit #gamification #mindset #motivation #habitcoach #lifecoaching #lifehacking #Lifehack
#Lifehack #lifehacking #lifecoaching #habitcoach #motivation #mindset #gamification #habit #fixedmindset #growthmindset #gamifyyourhabits #growthowner #fixedvictim
@antijingoist @g Aah, idiot, the long forgotten non-offensive slur.
15 top tools uit 2022
Voor elk wat wils
#onderwijs #lifehacking
je retente: amis bibliothécaires, vous rangez vos documents et fichiers numériques avec autant de soin que votre catalogue de livres sur votre lieu pro ?
vous avez des conseils pour que le grand public range sa vie numérique de façon pérenne ? faites péter !
j'avais vu l'article de @GeoffreyDorne sur son mode de #backup (et @ploum aussi) c'était noice!
pokez métal pou, je retrouve plus son pseudo
#archivage #ArchivageNumerique #gtd #bibliotheque #library #rangement #lifehacking
#backup #archivage #archivagenumerique #gtd #bibliotheque #library #rangement #lifehacking
astuce énergie : si votre cuisine est à 5 degrés, vous ne depenserez aucune électricité pour le frigo et économiserez 200kWh par an.
Es ist doch so, dass ich die Videos, die ich für meine diversen Social Media-Kanäle produziere, mit Videoleap auf dem Handy schneide.
Ich bin echt begeistert von diesem kleinen großen Alleskönner! 👍
#lifehacks , #hacks , #lifehack , #lifehacker , #lifehacking , #lifetips , #useful , #doityourself
#lifehacks #hacks #lifehack #lifehacker #lifehacking #lifetips #useful #doityourself
Durchsage, Durchsage: In Lynchburg, Tennessee, also dort, wo Jack Daniel‘s Whiskey hergestellt wird, herrscht Alkoholverbot.
So. Jetzt könnt ihr alle wieder gut schlafen.
#lifehacks #hacks #lifehack #lifehacker #diyfood #diyvideos #lifehacking #diyfuture #diyvideo #diyideas #diyproject #lifetips #feelingcrafty #instathreads
#lifehacks #hacks #lifehack #lifehacker #DIYfood #diyvideos #lifehacking #diyfuture #diyvideo #diyideas #diyproject #lifetips #feelingcrafty #instathreads
Stumbled across an #ObsidianMD plugin on #GitHub that supports #CookLang
Simply write your recipe in Markup and the plugin takes care of the rest - if you follow the 'CookLang' convention(s), images are displayed too!
Picture below shows a side by side comparison of the markup and rendered output.
CookLang spec:
CookLang conventions:
Obsidian plugin:
#obsidianmd #github #cookLang #nutrition #lifehacking
Currently reading 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear.
Already my hydration #Habit is starting to stick simply by using (what James refers to as) cues.
Little things like placing and leaving a water bottle next to the kettle serves as a prompt to drink water instead of (yet) another cup of coffee.
Hopefully this 'atomic habit' will go some way in preventing cramp(s) during the #Portobello #ParkRun tomorrow.
Book info:
#habit #portobello #parkrun #lifehacking #productivity #nutrition #running
Stumbled across #CookLang - a #Recipe #Markup Language.
The spec (and tooling that supports it) looks like it might make meal planning a lot easier.
More info available at:
#cookLang #recipe #markup #lifehacking #nutrition