Things I wish I had (or would make) more time for:
🖌️ Get proficient at airbrushing my #miniatures
📚 Read more #books (working on that)
🎸 Continue learning to play my #guitar
🎲 Play more #ttrpg
But hey - #lifehappens
What’s your list?
Thanks to @verbeeld 😉
#lifehappens #ttrpg #guitar #books #miniatures
@f_dion @ericsedge I would propose #GTD, or #TimeManagement, or #LifeHappens. 🙃
#lifehappens #timemanagement #gtd
I'm all grown up: my calendar is a mess and I cannot answer about new engagements without consulting it.
... I thought this only happened in movies and/or to higher ups. 😏
Browsing and moderating my YouTube subscriptions today. Some I subscribed to more than 15 yrs ago
Many had major subject & topic changes over the years. Some surprised me & I see why I get certain suggestions across #Google products and #search results now
If you haven't checked what topics your old YouTube subscriptions are up to, might be a good idea
Some went polar opposite of why I originally followed them or my interests.
#google #search #moderation #youtube #lifehappens #topics
This turned into a chore😅 Just waiting on replacement drives and restore disks🤞
#lifehappens #proxmox #virtualmachines #containers #zfs #refs #homelab
#lifehappens #proxmox #virtualmachines #containers #zfs #refs #homelab
My oldest just got his license. Surprised/not surprised I’m having some feelings… The freedom he has, and independence he’s gained. I just broke down in tears, pulling my glasses off of my face and crying. Then went back to find my glasses and realized I had crumpled them on my lap. Fuck. #photo #LifeHappens #SaturdayParenting
#photo #lifehappens #saturdayparenting
Just had the sweetest interaction at a fast food place. I was with my partner, and we were wrapping up to leave, when an employee asked if they could ask me a question. "Are you single? You're gorgeous and I've been watching since you came in." When said I was married and pointed at my partner, he was so apologetic.
I was honestly just flattered, I've been having some low self-esteem issues and it was amazing that stranger was just trying to get my digits.
#lifehappens #shootyourshot #story