I was driving behind two Mini Coopers just like mine today and felt like I was in The Italian Job
#TheItalianJob #movies #lifeimitatesart #mini
#theitalianjob #movies #lifeimitatesart #mini
look, I dunno about you, but I thought of this photo immediately. #cats #Solaris #NoTheOtherSolarisYouNerd #LifeImitatesArt #memories #DodgyMemories
#cats #solaris #notheothersolarisyounerd #lifeimitatesart #memories #dodgymemories
Wonder what influenced tranny mcTrannerson to use a knife.
Prominent Virginia dentist allegedly stabbed to death by daughter
It's almost like democracy is a block of ice slowly melting in the late winter sun, with a squadron of fascist tinkers chipping away at the edges with hammer, sickel, chisel and awl. #LifeImitatesArt #WakeUp #BeAfraid
#1984 #HandmaidsTale #Fahrenheit451#BraveNewWorld #AnimalFarm
#lifeimitatesart #wakeup #beafraid #handmaidstale #fahrenheit451 #animalfarm
"Everybody has to make it back to port or no one does, and that, more than anything else, is what we want you to learn."
Seems to me it's not only cadets at this academy who need that lesson.
#AmEditing #ArtImitatesLife #LifeImitatesArt #SCMarvaCollins
#amediting #artimitateslife #lifeimitatesart #scmarvacollins
One of my favorite counterintuitive creativity tips: do it badly! I'll tell you why it works in this short episode.
Listen: https://kite.link/CPT52
#inspiration #amwriting #getstuffdone #fycuriosity #fycuriositypod #podcast #creativitypodcast #creativity #art #makegoodart #followyourcuriosity #followyourdreams #followyourbliss #creativelife #seekjoy #creative #followyourheart #lifeimitatesart #artimitateslife #artist
#inspiration #amwriting #getstuffdone #fycuriosity #fycuriositypod #podcast #creativitypodcast #creativity #art #makegoodart #followyourcuriosity #followyourdreams #followyourbliss #creativelife #seekjoy #creative #FollowYourHeart #lifeimitatesart #artimitateslife #artist
Useless Facts, Badly Drawn: #263: Die Hard with a Vengeance.
#diehard #movies #diehardwithavengeance #brucewillis #nyc #newyork #truthisstrangerthanfiction #lifeimitatesart #crime #1995 #federalreserve #nycsubway #fiction #strangebuttrue #wtf #funfacts #webcomic #comics #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
#diehard #movies #diehardwithavengeance #brucewillis #nyc #newyork #truthisstrangerthanfiction #lifeimitatesart #crime #federalreserve #nycsubway #fiction #strangebuttrue #wtf #funfacts #webcomic #comics #uselessfacts #uselessfactsbadlydrawn
#lifeimitatesart #filmcommunity #booklover #writingcommunity #readingcommunity
Anyone else feel lately like you have been living in a year long dystopian déjà vu, it's probably because like me, you watched this movie or something similar.
Synopsis: In an oppressive future where all forms of feeling are illegal, guns are used to ban books and art, a man in charge of enforcing the law rises to overthrow the system and state.
Name a #DystopainFilm or Book that describes your world view today
#lifeimitatesart #filmcommunity #booklover #writingcommunity #readingcommunity #dystopainfilm
Anyone else reminded of the brilliant Transmetropolitan by all the George Santos stuff? Smiler, anyone?
#transmetropolitan #warrenellis #lifeimitatesart
RT @fornybard
Saken om det er lov å parodiere samrøret mellom den private interesseorganisasjonen NNPF og påtalemyndigheten har altså endt opp i en parodi av en sak som blir avvist av dommeren på grunn av samrøre mellom NNPF og påtalemyndigheten. #lifeimitatesart
So have they already elected a new "Hunter Association Chairman" yet? I heard they've gone through a few rounds without getting the needed majority. #hunterxhunter #lifeimitatesart
#hunterxhunter #lifeimitatesart
Dear reader, I just spent the last 20 minutes on a holy crusade to find out where the hell my stapler went (my thieving daughter squirreled it away to her room) and the irony is not lost on me that THIS is the stapler in question. #LifeImitatesArt #BurnDownTheBuilding
#lifeimitatesart #burndownthebuilding
Brought to you by Vought International. This would be a great side-gag in the next season.
#Homelander #theboys #trump #lifeimitatesart #wtf #NFTart
@farbel OMG! My coworker said we need computer things yesterday morning! #lifeimitatesart
Watching #TheCrown for the first time (yes, we're quite behind the times), saw the "Act of God" killer London fog episode, woke up this morning to this....#LifeImitatesArt
An unknown comedian auditions for a part as a teacher that becomes a politician. Then actually becomes President.
#zelensky #lifeimitatesart #ukraine
#zelensky #lifeimitatesart #ukraine
This totally leaps to mind in light of the recent bird events :ablobwink: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7ziwh7 #familiar #elon #twitterrefugee #twitter #looneytunes #cartoon #artimitateslife #lifeimitatesart
#lifeimitatesart #artimitateslife #cartoon #looneytunes #Twitter #twitterrefugee #elon #familiar
RT @FarUser
Whiff of Damien Hirst as these local sheep shelter from the storm in a bus stop. #lifeimitatesart #StormDudley