Ich habe heute ca. 100 Wissenschaftler:innen eine Einladung geschickt, und etliche davon waren trotz Abwesenheitsnotiz online, und mich hat‘s nicht mal groß gewundert.
Said in class by me. While giving feedback to one of my students who said the composition was inspired by galaxies. I said, “that doesn’t look very galaxian.” He asked me if the word was in Spanish. I said nope. I invented it now. #lifeinacademia #academiclife #saidinclass #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #saidinclass #academiclife #lifeinacademia
Said in my class… All. The. Time. @sophiaaelizabethhh right? #saidinclass #designclass #designeducation #lifeinacademia #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #lifeinacademia #designeducation #designclass #saidinclass
Said in class by @bella.salazar_. #saidinclass #designeducation #lifeinacademia #academiclife #designquotes #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #designquotes #academiclife #lifeinacademia #designeducation #saidinclass
@karl.jahnke came to my class to talk about his journey to be one a professor of animation today. It was as he put it “a non straight journey”. Thank you for your talk. @cdianegibbs & @mattjartist also we’re guests earlier this month. It’s great to see how each professor got to teaching, their practice, and their body of work. @uofsouthalabama #lifeinacademia #designeducation #academiclife #arteducation #artanddesigneducation #almahoffmannsketchnotes #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannsketchnotes #artanddesigneducation #arteducation #academiclife #designeducation #lifeinacademia
Doodling with the pointed nib & ink while my students worked. Some of the things chatted about in class made the practice. Of note; a new word one of my students said. Backiotomy: needing a new back. Mardi Gras of course, & it ducks when you’re taken for granted. Once the students asked me to show them I was on a roll. #lifeinacademia #academiclife #designeducation #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #designeducation #academiclife #lifeinacademia
In class story time: that time when students say things they otherwise wouldn’t and it all makes sense only in that context. Today’s expression & its context was just too good to not memorialize it. #academiclife #lifeinacademia #saidinclasstoday #almahoffmannletters #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmann
#almahoffmann #almahoffmannlettering #almahoffmannletters #saidinclasstoday #lifeinacademia #academiclife